testosterone injections

  1. A

    Testosterone injections vs Clomid for secondary sexual characteristics, need help!

    Hi everyone, I'm 32 years old and have secondary hypogonadism (was diagnosed at 25 years old). I've been on clomid for around 7 years now that was prescribed by my urologist. My main question is whether testosterone injections are more effective than clomid for secondary sexual characteristics...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Patient satisfaction with testosterone replacement therapies: the reasons behind the choices.

    Another great study from Dr Kovac and Dr Lipshultz. Patient satisfaction with testosterone replacement therapies: the reasons behind the choices. Kovac JR, et al. J Sex Med. 2014 Feb;11(2):553-62. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12369. Epub 2013 Nov 6. Abstract INTRODUCTION: Testosterone replacement...
  3. Excel Male

    Benefits of Treating Hypogonadism (Testosterone Deficiency)

    Information provided by Gene Devine What are the Benefits of Treating Hypogonadism? Sexual dysfunction and low libido are among the most easily reversible symptoms of hypogonadism. Systematic reviews of randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials of testosterone in men, including older men...