testosterone heart

  1. Nelson Vergel

    Heart Palpitations and AFIB in Older Men on Testosterone

    Heart palpitations and AFIB (Atrial Fibrillation) risk in older men using testosterone is examined in the content. Highlights [⚠️] Testosterone use in older men and its link to heart palpitations and AFIB. [] Research findings suggesting a potential association between testosterone therapy...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Respected Study Concludes Testosterone Does Not Increase Cardiovascular Risks

    We have been waiting for this study for a while. Done with Androgel. Dr Bhasin el al. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2215025 Here are the main learning points of this study: The trial was conducted to ascertain if testosterone-replacement therapy in middle-aged and older...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Effects of testosterone and nandrolone on cardiac function

    Effects of testosterone and nandrolone on cardiac function: a randomized, placebo-controlled study Chung, T ; Kelleher, S ; Liu, P. Y ; Conway, A. J ; Kritharides, L ; Handelsman, D. J Clinical Endocrinology, 2007-02, Vol.66 (2), p.235-245 Summary Background  Androgens have striking effects on...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Effectiveness of TRT in hypogonadal patients and its controversial adverse impact on the cardiovascular system

    REVIEW ARTICLE Effectiveness of testosterone therapy in hypogonadal patients and its controversial adverse impact on the...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Waist-to-Hip Ratio on TRT Predicts Non Calcified Plaque Volume

    Biomarkers and Non-Calcified Coronary Artery Plaque Progression in Older Men Treated with Testosterone Kashif Shaikh, MD, Susan S Ellenberg, PhD, Rine Nakanishi, MD, PhD, Peter J Snyder, MD, Juhwan Lee, MD,PhD, Nanette K Wenger, MD, Cora E Lewis, MD, Ronald S Swerdloff, MD, Peter Preston...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    Debunking Testosterone Therapy Myths: Prostate Cancer, Heart Attacks, Blood Clots and More

    Controversies with Testosterone Therapy: Interview with World Expert Dr. Mohit Khera
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone, DHT and Estradiol and Mortality in Older Men

    Testosterone Is Associated With Reduced All-Cause Mortality and Higher Dihydrotestosterone With Reduced Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality, While Estradiol Levels Do Not Predict Mortality - https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/99/1/E9/2836201?login=false In older men, having total T levels...
  8. Nelson Vergel

    Low Testosterone and High Estradiol Linked to Sudden Cardiac Arrest

    For First Time, Researchers Analyze Levels of Testosterone and Estradiol to Predict Patients' Likelihood of Suffering Usually Fatal Condition, Take Another Step Toward Offering Preventive Treatments A new study, published online by the peer-reviewed journal Heart Rhythm, shows that lower...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone is good for your heart

    Even though this study used what I consider not to be a good dose and frequency of testosterone administration, it still found testosterone replacement to be beneficial on the heart of men with prior history of heart disease. Abstract Background. According to the present evidences suggesting...
  10. Nelson Vergel

    Another clinical review found no negative effect of testosterone on the heart

    A new analysis countered recent studies inking the use of testosterone therapy with increased risks of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. Among roughly 20,000 patients treated with testosterone over a 6-year period, the rate of new MIs was 30 per 100,000 and the rate of new strokes was 10...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    The putative mechanisms underlying testosterone and cardiovascular risk

    A very well written short opinion article that summarizes factors that may increase cardiovascular risks of testosterone. All have been reviewed on ExcelMale.com but it is nice to see them summarized in a short paper by Dr Lipshultz' team. They did not include high estradiol as a causative...
  12. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after another negative study

    A new study published last week and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health. Testosterone...
  13. Nelson Vergel

    Should Lawyers Be Suing Researchers who Performed Flawed Testosterone Studies?

    A new study published last week and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health. Testosterone...
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Poorly Done Testosterone Studies Fuel Concerns and Lawsuits

    A study published at the end of 2013 and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given suboptimal testosterone replacement without proper monitoring and management of factors that can affect their health...
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in TRT guidelines after another negative study

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after negative studies
  16. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after negative studies

    A new study published yesterday and a previously published one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see both below) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health...
  17. Excel Male

    Why Do I Feel So Tired on Testosterone ?

    Taken from the book: Testosterone: A Man’s Guide by Nelson Vergel If no improvements in fatigue are observed after 6 weeks of testosterone replacement, factors beyond hypogonadism may be present. Thyroid and adrenal function should be checked to ensure that those two glands are working...