testosterone hdl

  1. L

    Testosterone and HDL

    I have been on Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole since I was 48. I will be 60 in two months. Can testosterone replacement therapy continue into the later years in life? I monitor all my important bloodwork every six months and everything is ok except my HDL cholesterol. I feel much better...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Effect of Low and High Doses of Testosterone Injections on Hematocrit, PSA and HDL

    Older Men Are as Responsive as Young Men to the Anabolic Effects of Graded Doses of Testosterone on the Skeletal Muscle Bhasin, B., Shalender ; Woodhouse, Phong, Linda ; Casaburi, E., Richard ; Singh, W., Atam ; Mac, W., Ricky ; Lee, W., Martin ; Yarasheski, W., Kevin ; Sinha-Hikim, W., Indrani...