testosterone base

  1. V

    My T base DMSO solution for T side effects.

    So first of all I live in a country where you can buy T everywhere by just walking into any pharmacy. And no MDs here understand hormones. Your on your own here. second I go more from how I feel than blood markers. I did however test total T ongoing to find the proper dosage. But first I wish...
  2. A

    Can daily dosing Unesterified Testosterone in water base an option for hypogonadism?

    Can daily dosing of unesterified Testosterone in water base carrier be an option for hypogonadism? I would like to get away from the oil carrier and the added ester in Testosterone Cypionate that has to be cleaved off by the liver. Can this work as a treatment for hypogonadism ?
  3. S

    Anyone tried testosterone base (no ester)?

    Speaking about testosterone no ester in oil, not testosterone suspension which is water based. I've only seen a few users here post about it, but they all mentioned they felt better on it compared to estered testosterone. Apparently you can get by injecting it once daily, due to the oil...