After seeing an earlier post here about trans scrotal application I decided to try it myself. So far it seems to be working. I have been doing it for about two months now. my testosterone went from about 280 to 441. I am 65. while I still dont have morning wood every day, I at least have urges...
I've been on TRT for nearly 10 years. In the past year I've had to switch from injections to a gel, because of problems with elevated hematocrit. I'm finding very poor absorption of androgel through the skin on my shoulders. I've read about good results people are getting with non-alcohol based...
Hey guys!
Does anyone here use testosterone cream on a different place then the scrotum and is having succes ? If yes, what is your dose and where do you apply? And what numbers do you achieve?
So im talking only about the cream, NOT the gel.
I've been applying my topical to my forearms for about 10 years now. I have 15.2% body fat and the skin is fairly thin there. However, I am wondering: Can the receptor sites in the dermis in that area could be getting "fatigued" over the course of all these years leading to a lower absorption...
They chose to apply on left and right arms/shoulders and left and right abdomen. Product used was Androgel 1%.
Pharmacokinetics of Transdermal Testosterone Gel in Hypogonadal Men: Application of Gel at One Site Versus Four Sites: A General Clinical Research Center Study*