testosteroen cream

  1. K.pietera

    Lump on right testicle

    Hi my friends I am using ovitrelle 6500iu pen for 5 weeks right now for fertillity. The doc here in Belgium prescribed me the whole pen 2 x a week 3500iu. I'm also on 100mg test trough transcrotal appl. The issue I have found recently is that since 4 dans ago I discovered a small lump...
  2. D

    Scrotal Testosterone Cream

    Hey guys, It seems like this has been a great method to increase libido for many of the members and in particular DHT levels. For those where it has worked when you have introduced cream with normal injections is there a protocol that you found worked best or a cream dosage that was sufficient...
  3. M

    Libido increased when I applied testosterone cream ! While on injection

    I have tried testosterone cream alone with no success. And again while on injections but before reaching steady state. After three month on injection I reached steady state. Three days back I tried the cream again on shoulders this time and only 50mg. for the past three days I applied it only...