
  1. H

    Blood test feedback after 5 weeks on TRT

    Received my blood test after being on TRT for the first time. My protocol was Test E 40mg 2xweek every 3.5 days on Tuesdays and Fridays. My blood Test was performed on Tuesday before my subq shot so on through end. My Total was 700, Free 35 pg/ml and estradiol 45 pg/ml. Question since this was...
  2. G

    Failing TRT

    Hello, I started TRT 11 weeks ago. My protocol is 35 mg of T Enanthate twice a week (Wednesday evening and Sunday morning). Initially I felt quite fine and even libido came earlier than expected (in 4 weeks). My lab results after 6 weeks (a few hours before next injection) were as follows: FT...
  3. K

    HCG mono, ok T level but feel terrible?

    I've been on HCG mono for few weeks now. Dosage is 1250iu 3x week. Just got a blood test done Total testosterone: 24,8nmol/l (10-38) Translated to US units it's 715.28ng/dl so pretty nice number IMO. Estrogen: 0,16nmol/l (<0,15). Didn't get free testosterone this time, because my shbg is...
  4. N

    Nandrolone with Testosterone And Semen Issue

    I have been on a T program for several years. I left a local Men’s Clinic and started with Defy a year and a half ago. I am on daily doses of 20 mg and inject in the evenings. The protocol seems to work well for me with the exception of two issues. The main issue is joint pain in my knees, hips...
  5. R

    How many vials ?

    I’m getting prepared to do a blood test and it will be fasted (everyone’s least favorite) . And I’m not every good with these I’m trying to mentall prepare myself for how long and how many vials will be filled does anyone have an idea how many approx? Thank you
  6. M

    Changing injections protocol weekly

    if changes in T levels result in better libido “honeymoon period” Have any one tried injecting different protocols weekly ? Like first week 50 2nd 100 3rd 150 ? could these changes help in better libido ? I know for sure even when I stop trt I get period of honey moon time so if changes is...
  7. C

    Corona Gains: TRT and Gains or lack thereof...

    Hey gang. Just curious. Most of us are 4 weeks into lockdown. I have not been to the gym in 4 weeks and like most, I am working out at home. I just do pull ups and push ups and some db exercises with 25lb pair. upper day and lower day. I also try and jog/walk 2-3 miles 2-3 times a week which is...
  8. T

    Is there a ceiling to Hemoglobin rise?

    Guys, does hemoglobin, red blood cell count and hematocrit go up indefinitely in accordance to test levels injected? So if a guy injects 100 mg a week vs a guy injecting 200 mg vs a guy injecting 500 mg a week how different will their blood markers be? If the 100 mg guy goes up to 18...
  9. T

    Upper limit for estrogen?

    Guys, is there an upper limit for estrogen aromatization? Do receptors get saturated at some point and level off with testosterone still climbing? What I'm asking is can we beat high estrogen by supraphysiological levels of testosterone and maintaining a good ratio? If my E2 is 72 with test...
  10. T

    Calcium D Glucarate eliminates testosterone?

    It's been shown that calcium d glucarate eliminates estrogen metabolites faster. But it also shows that it eliminates ALL steroids including DHEA and testosterone. Can anyone on here comment on this? Or being on TRT and using CDG is not an issue?
  11. G

    DMSO to increase absorption

    Anyone use DMSO along with their testosterone cream/ gel to increase absorption, or know anything about DMSO? Interested in possibly using it.