testicular atrophy

  1. phalloguy100

    Why is it a bad idea to take clomid/gonadorelin while on TRT?

    I have read in this and other forums that taking clomid, gonadorelin, or kisspeptin while on TRT is a waste - that those things are used more for PCT, to regain testicular function. But why is it wasteful, or even contraindicated, to use those medications while on TRT? How does one harm the...
  2. N

    HCG/Clomid/Enclomiphene for testicular growth without trt?

    Hey guys, I need your help. I got some severe testicular atrophy going on. from bigger than a walnut to smaller than an almond in over a year. Sometimes they disappear completely and the sack is shrunken. I never took Testosterone so I can't really figure out whats going on down there, but it...
  3. M

    Twelve weeks into TRT and concerned I’ve made a mistake…

    Hi friends, 43 yo male and just took my twelfth test cyp injection last Friday (160 mg once weekly). Also on dessicated thyroid, DHEA, and 75mg Effexor. Got on the TRT regimen to help me lose weight (T levels were in the acceptable range) and increase libido. So I’m three months in and I feel...
  4. M

    Will testicles return to original size on HCG?

    Been on TRT for 4 years. My dosing schedule and bloods are all dialed and have been for 6+ months. I’m only taking Test Cyp, no other meds for TRT. My testicles have shrunk by more than half and are slightly less than the size of a grape. Will starting HCG thru Defy or another men’s clinic...
  5. F

    Timeline for recovering from testicular atrophy using HCG

    1. How long did it take you to regain normal testicle size once adding HCG to your protocol? 2. What was your dosage and injection schedule? 3. Did it cause or resolve ED? I have not been able to find any reliable studies on this so I am looking for anecdotal experiences. Ill make a full post...
  6. R

    TRT testicular atrophy

    Hi, im 24 and was type 2 hypogonadal. Had a inexperienced Dr, currently in South America so low on options. Got told I would be infertile if I continued on trt 125mg / week. The testicular atrophy has started to worry me due to one Dr.'s comments on my risk on fertility. Further listening to his...
  7. A

    Testicular Atrophy - Any Legitimate Risks?

    I stopped using HCG about a year ago and have noticed considerable atrophy. I saw a urologist yesterday and he seemed concerned that my left testicle was hanging significantly higher than the other (almost one inch higher). He had me cough twice, presumably checking for a hernia, and then he no...
  8. A

    20 y/o - Testicular recovery after 2 years post DHT use

    Hey, maybe some of you already knew me here on the forum with another nick. I'm Alessandro and I'm 19. About 2 years ago, when I was just a foolish and insecure teen, I played and joked with roids and specifically I took a DHT compound for 6 weeks, I knew almost nothing about roids world and I...
  9. M

    Can HCG Monotherapy Reverse Testicular Atrophy Caused by Varicocele?

    I have read through many stories on here about individuals who successfully reversed TRT-induced testicular atrophy using HCG. I have also read a litany of medical studies that demonstrated a similar result. While this is certainly encouraging, I am left wondering whether HCG can also reverse...
  10. keithc2485

    About to add HCG to my TRT regimen -CONCERNS & QUESTIONS HELP!

    GUYS. I need some advice HCG is all new to me... 1. Sorry this is so long , just trying to get all the info in here. so please glance at it 2. I have just Gotten a prescription for HCG (Pregnyl ) after almost 3 years on TRT ..50mg 2x a week I got the arimidex as well 3. I have not...
  11. keithc2485

    Severe Testicular Atrophy and Want to Try HCG

    hey everyone.. SO , I am on 100mg of Cyp. a week , been about 2.5 years. Since then , the severity of my Testicular atrophy has gotten pretty bad. I want to start an HCG cycle to help, but my Endo wont work with me. He said "sure you can take HCG, or Clomide but, you have to stop Testosterone...
  12. L

    18 Year-Old With Testicular Atrophy

    Hello everyone, I am 18 years old and 1 year ago run a 7 week cycle with transdermal DHT (like Andractim). At the seventh week i stopped because i saw my testicles shrinking. I was an idiot.. It's been 1 year since i stopped but my testicular size and sperm has not recovered. My hypothesis is...
  13. C

    There's no regions in my nethers...

    When I first started TRT I was given HCG with my protocol. It has never seemed to agree with me for some reason or another so I stopped taking it. I recently tried to incorporate it back in my protocol but it was making me feel like shit at just 250 iu every 3.5 days and had to stop. I suspect...
  14. J

    Unable to get HCG... Is HMG an option to prevent testicular atrophy?

    I am in Spain, 50 years old. I've been having low T symptoms for a few years, but I was able to cope with it because it was only a "performance drop", until a couple of years ago, when severe erectile dysfunction appeared and I could no longer have an acceptable sex life, in addition to a...
  15. M

    New Member - 10 Years on TRT, Now Dealing With Problems

    This is Chuck from Los Angeles California. I'm 56 years old and have been on TRT for approximately 10 years I take a weekly injection of depth-testosterone at 200 mg/mL. I have been HIV-positive since 1987, currently undetectable. I'm dealing with testicular atrophy and diminished libido at...
  16. Y

    Best way to Inject HCG 1500IU for reversing testicular atrophy?

    Hi guys, I've recently got some HCG hormone, Pregnyl. The dose is 1500IU and it obviously comes with the vial of Bacteriostatic Water (1ml) along with the vial of the powdered HCG itself. My questions is dosing. I'm assuming that I can just add the 1ml of water to the powder and then split...
  17. S

    No concerns re: atrophy, reasons to keep HCG in the mix?

    A few notes: I'm just starting TRT and have been prescribed HCG as part of my protocol for the reasons outlined on this forum! I'm quite unconcerned with testicle size altogether (aesthetically I would be happy with being more... compact... in that department in general) and have no wish to have...
  18. L


    Wondering if anyone has had the opportunity of using these people for hcg? I recently ordered some and received it fast and not to expensive but I'm worried about trying it as it came from India and I haven't a clue as to if it's safe. It seems clean as it's sealed like any other bottle and the...