testicle shrinkage

  1. J

    e2 effect on testicular size?

    Hey guys! my current protocol is .2ml test EOD and 500iu HCG 2x per week and no AI. Without any reason I can think of my boys seem either high and tight and other times they hang nice they way I like them lol. It can vary from week to week. Without HCG they definitely start to get sore and...
  2. W

    Anastrazole and Shrinking nuts

    This is my first post here, after lurking around for a while. Ive experimented with different stroids over the years (about 20), mostly Deca/Test/HCG. I was diagnosed with slightly low T when I was in my 30s and have been on T since. Now that im 51 I only take test Cyp.. My protocol is about...
  3. B

    Increase HCG or clomiphene?

    I am a 64 y/o male, non-diabetic, normal blood pressure, been on compounded cream TRT replacement therapy last 4 years. Was experiencing some testicular shrinkage so added HCG two years ago at 350u every other day now up to 500u every other day with a lower dosage of the cream. Combined HCG &...
  4. Bentiger07

    How long/much did it take for your testicles to shrink on TRT ?

    Hi guys, Just looking to learn more if the data’s out there, Please correct my assumptions if they’re wrong. From what I gathered from reading posts here and elsewhere: -Most people on only T experience testicle shrinkage, but there are a few unicorns out there that dont experience any...
  5. T

    Should I take clomid?

    I am 19 years old. I have been overtraining since I was 17. At the age of 18 i got bloods done and total test came back at 350 ng/dl, i was devastated and didn't know what to do, i had no idea it was overtraining that had been causing it. So i continued to train and train hard for the next year...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    Learn Quickly About Testosterone Deficiency and Its Treatments

    I hope you enjoy this part 1. Yes, it is almost 2 hours long but I concentrated everything I know so that you do not have to read for hours.
  7. T

    Converted from pellets to T-Cyp & HCG Inj. Mixed Results, Any Advice?

    Hi All- Long term member here. 58 yo white male with 5+ year history and symptoms of low T. After 3.5 years on pellets that shrunk my testicles and had me on roller coaster mood swings changed to injections. I am on protocol with 20mg T-Cyp, 500iu HCG and 0.15 mg Anastrozole every 3.5 days...
  8. T

    Pellets to Test/HCG Injection - Mixed Results Any Advise

    Hi All- Long term member here. 58 yo white male with 5+ year history and symptoms of low T. After 3.5 years on pellets that shrunk my testicles and had me on roller coaster mood swings changed to injections. I am on protocol with 200mg T-Cyp, 500iu HCG and 0.15 mg Anastrozole every 3.5 days...
  9. B

    HCG combined with clomid to restore testicle size

    I am on testosterone gel and HCG. I started the HCG (250 IUs three times per week) several years after starting the t-gel after noticing that my testicles had shrunk significantly. After starting the HCG, my testicles regained only about 30% of their original size. My doctor says I can add...
  10. J

    Fact or Fiction - Seminal Fluid Is Reduced on TRT and You Must Go on HCG?

    Fact or Fiction: Seminal fluid will be reduced when on TRT? It highly recommended that you use HCG in combination with TRT in order to avoid testicle shrinkage? Penis sensitivity is reduced when on TRT? I appreciate anyone's insight. Thank You!
  11. H

    SERM instead of HCG for TRT

    I have read some posts about the possibility of using a SERM like clomid or tamoxifen instead of HCG in order to keep tests functioning while on TRT. I did an experiment and just wanted to post my results (take the information as is and hopefully it helps to answer some questions you might...
  12. T

    Testapel and HCG to Keep Testicle Size

    I was on Axiron for 6 months with good response, but noticed testiculat shrinkage after about 5 months. They at about 2/3rds previous size. Also notice that scrotum is high and tight most of the time. Recently switched to Testapel. Mi am concerned about further shrinkage. Does anyone have...