
  1. K.pietera

    Lump on right testicle

    Hi my friends I am using ovitrelle 6500iu pen for 5 weeks right now for fertillity. The doc here in Belgium prescribed me the whole pen 2 x a week 3500iu. I'm also on 100mg test trough transcrotal appl. The issue I have found recently is that since 4 dans ago I discovered a small lump...
  2. V

    When testicle size increases, what happens?

    We know that HCG or Clomid can increase testicle size. But exactly how does a testicle increase in size once extra LH or HCG enter the cells? Does it stop apoptosis, or more cells uptake glucose or water, etc?
  3. Bentiger07

    How long/much did it take for your testicles to shrink on TRT ?

    Hi guys, Just looking to learn more if the data’s out there, Please correct my assumptions if they’re wrong. From what I gathered from reading posts here and elsewhere: -Most people on only T experience testicle shrinkage, but there are a few unicorns out there that dont experience any...