test level

  1. I

    Testosterone Peak by Injection Method

    Question- Is there a difference in when your testosterone level peaks if you inject with a 29 gauge 1/2” insulin syringe in the shoulder ( for example ) or if you were to inject with a 23 gauge 1” in the glutes? I’ve tried both and feel that the smaller gauge in the shoulder seems to take...
  2. Z

    New TRT doctor questions

    So I am following up with my new doctor that I saw on Wednesday. It was 45 minute consult just to explain what was going on. Why I am seeing him, why I went on TRT. Basically I explained to him I am tired that of the ups and downs that I have been experiencing on TRT. These ups can be for a week...
  3. N

    any reason to go back on TRT with these levels?

    Hi fellas, Im a 40 yr old male, went off TRT well not on purpose but switched to a compounded cream which it turns out I wasnt absorbing at all so 6 wks later i started to recover cold turkey from 2 yrs on test therapy. So been 3 months off now with some hcg a month ago to help things along and...