test gel

  1. L

    Lipoderm Gel - Scrotal

    I was prescribed Lipoderm Testosterone. The prescription was sent to a compounding pharmacy from my urologist. I called and asked if there was no alcohol in the Lipoderm gel, and was told that it is made without alcohol. Would this be safe for applying to the Scrotum? Thank you!
  2. J

    Just starting TRT

    I am a 49 yr old male and have struggled with anxiety disorder for over 20 yrs. About a year and a half ago it became debilitating after having it under control with medication so my doctor started looking for answers. He found it when my lab work came back with a total test at 25! Lab results(...
  3. R

    Cream / Gel users.... Once a day or more?

    I was just reading Jay Campbell's blog about his daily routine and he seems to split his T-cream application half morning/ half evening. Do any of you do this? What are your benefits from this protocall?
  4. S

    Interesting Read. Nothing we haven't already discussed.

    I really like this flip it app too. Testosterone, Low Testosterone, and the Men’s Health Crisis That Wasn’t What a Prick: The Lucrative, Bullshit Business of Low-T
  5. S

    thoughts on a gel for me

    I have tried testosterone on and off over the years but I never stick with it. I first tried the self injections but a couple times hit a muscle and was sore for a week so I gave up on them. Then I tried the under the tongue trocees (or however you spell it) they took forever to dissolve that...
  6. S

    Libido advice for varicocele patient - test gel?

    I started TRT about a year and a half ago after being diagnosed with bilateral varicoceles and showing a total T in the low 400's and a free T of 5. I had the varicoceles successfully removed but started TRT because my symptoms were terrible and I was not sure what damage was done by the...