test dosing

  1. I

    Traveling and will not have access to refrigeration so no HCG. Dosing questions.

    So I'll be traveling in a few weeks to a location with no real access to refrigeration. I typically take Test Cyp 25ml and HCG 500ui every 3.5 days. Trough Free Test is ~650. Two questions: 1) If I take just the test cyp, how much should I increase the dosage w/o HCG? Again E3.5D dosing. 2)...
  2. P

    Is 420mg /week of Test Too High?

    I'm 53 with test currently around 350. Is there any downside or side effects to a dosage this high? I plan on doing it sub q morning and evening everyday to keep my levels constant. Any thoughts anyone?
  3. G

    Disappointing Results

    Got my testosterone and CBC results from 5mg daily, sub-q/shallow IM. Testosterone Total 260 (250-1100) MS ng/dL Free Testosterone 45 (35-155) Dialysis pg/mL RBC 5.6 (4.6-5.8) HGB 16.7 (13.2-17.1) HCT 48.5 (38.5-50) This test was in trough. Perhaps this is why my sleep is suffering so bad. So...
  4. K

    Heart Palpitations, Chest Pain, and Anxiety with TestCyp.

    29 year old male, 155 lbs. Using 150 mg test cyp (75 mg 2x a week IM). I am dealing with heart palpitations, chest pain and anxiety for past couple weeks now. If i dial back to 50 mg or miss a dose it goes away with in a few days. I had this happen in the past but only with using 300 mg or so...
  5. A

    Latest Bloods. Appreciate Advice.

    Hi guys, I followed the advice of some of the members on here after I was put on 250mg a week and them that shall not be named and dropped my dose down to 118mg a week broken into daily doses on 16mg a day. After 7 weeks my bloods are as follows; SHBG - 25nmol/L Free T - 506 pmol/L (range -...
  6. C

    Weekly Injections

    I currently inject 100mg Test-cyp weekly. Shallow IM. Every Friday. I have been finding lately that the few days prior to my injection is when I am feeling the best. Increased libido, energy, focus etc...Could this be indicative that my test is too high and as it levels out towards the end of...
  7. R

    Hcg on trt . Best time ?

    I’m using hcg 400iu”s twice a week on Sunday and weds . I picked these days because my testosterone injections are on Monday and Thursdays and my thought process is I want to limit how much hcg converts to estrogen . So by waiting till the day before my next injection my test levels will be...
  8. T

    Endocrinologist meeting tomorrow.

    Hi guys, I’m a uk bloke who after jumping through a number of hoops to try and get referred, has a meeting with an endocrinologist tomorrow. Ive got low t (200 ng/dl) after a testicular teratoma and radiotherapy 20 years ago, and I could do with some help with what to push on tomorrow please...
  9. S

    Blood work HCG Monotherapy low DHT

    Good morning everbody, Im 27 y. old, 80kg, 12% bf. I´m hypothyroid and and have hypogonadism. I´m on a HCG-Monotherapy. (750 I.E. Hcg eod, 125 mcg L-Thyroxin) I think that my thyroid gland is not yet functioning properly and therefore my testosterone synthesis is also limited. Hopefully when my...
  10. D

    Does testosterone dose matter when running fsh?

    For example, will my fsh dose be less effective if I’m running 200mg test as opposed to 90mg? My dr said 100 mg a week is the max test dose for fsh to be effective. That doesn’t really make sense in my head since my body’s LH and fsh are shutdown while taking 90mg of test anyways.
  11. G

    Tread lightly with 200 mg/ml Testosterone Cream . . . My experience

    I have been on TRT since 2013. Long boring story but recently switched from daily Cypionate injections to transcrotal cream and just wanted to share my tale for others with regards to dosing: started 20% cream six weeks ago 2 clicks am AND pm all applied to the scrotum labs were crazy! Total...
  12. D

    Testosterone Compound Cream Absorption / Labs / Ect

    Morning Gents, So I have been running Empower RX Compound cream for I guess a little over a year now Id say. Mine is 200mg/ml and I just do one click. From my understanding absorption was only around 10%, but pharmacist today said you absorb most of it? Thoughts? All the time I thought I'd be...
  13. T

    Do i need more testosterone? Testosterone non responder?

    I am seeing a lot of labs in the 1000 ng/dl with very low dosages. i am on HG Sustanon 65mg eod. Total t barely gets to 778 ng/dl. free t around 25ng/dl. I am a low shbg guy so i tried the daily shots but that makes me feel even worse. Shbg always around 14-18. Even pre trt. No thyroid issues or...
  14. B

    Test dose timing for ED inject protocols... morning or night?

    I was looking back at some of my history (lab numbers) and something hit me during my research... I had experimented with SQ injections and was looking at one of my lab results which I have posted below... Using 20mg Test Prop (16.5mg pure test minus ester weight) SQ ED injects in morning 8am...