test cyp

  1. K

    Test Prop / Test Cyp?

    I have recently started researching trt after many years of having symptoms and being to countless doctors who could not figure out what was going on. I recently have had blood work done, and my testosterone is extremely low. Test 153 ng/dl and Free Test 5.6 pg/ml. Now, I recently was prescribed...
  2. J

    Testosterone Levels Too High?

    I’ve been on TRT for 8 months. Started out at .10 per day and then they increased to .15 per day and then to .20 per day. My T levels increased moderately at first from 250 total to 500 total. I don’t have the data on free initial T handy. At 500 total I was at 74 free. Then it went up to 1400...
  3. D

    Lab timing with daily shots

    Is there a significant peak/trough with daily shots of T-Cyp? TIA
  4. B

    HELP - Doubts about TRT

    Hi guys, 33 year old male here, for the last 4 years I have tested my testosterone and it always comes back in the lower range (oscillating between 200s and 300s). At the end of last year, it tested even I the low 200s. I have depression and anxiety since a young age and a few years ago my...
  5. G

    Water Retention With Fine E2 Labs

    My most recent labs on 8mg daily test cyp. Total Testosterone 675 ng/dL 250-1100 Free Testosterone 162 pg/mL 35-155 Ultrasensitive Estradiol 32 pg/mL <29 Everything looks like exactly where we'd want it, except maybe the free T is a little high. But, compared to when my free T levels were at...
  6. G

    New Test/E2/DHT Labs on 8mg Daily

    These results are from labs drawn 16 hours after injection and 8 hours before the next, so not quite true trough, but since I inject at 9pm, I don't know what any other option is. 8mg daily, test cyp shallow IM. Anyone have any suggestions or good to go? I was using 7mg daily for many months...
  7. G

    New Daily Test Cyp Results

    Here's the timeline of daily test cyp results, all are Dialysis MS, LC/MS, giving each protocol at least 12 weeks, but much more than that mostly... 10mg daily Total T 558 (250-1100) ng/dL Free T 147 (35-155) pg/mL Estradiol, Ultrasensitive 18 (<30) pg/mL 5mg daily (lots of missed doses)...
  8. G

    Average Injection Beginner TRT Dose

    For men, it seems the best the place to start is around 100mg weekly spread into a couple doses, but what if the best place for a woman to start? My wife was on cream for a couple months but it didn't move her numbers much (dose unknown but way too expensive) and now on 20mg every 2 weeks. Does...
  9. J

    Prescription for Test Cyp & Anastrozole

    Hey guys, I am a 45 year old male, I weigh about 250 and I am 5'6. My doctor just prescribed Test Cyp 160mg (80 twice a week) and Anastrozole 1mg. I recently had my levels checked and I am at 255ng. 3-4 years ago I was using Test cyp 250mg (from a friend), 125 twice a week. I experienced a lot...
  10. aneuman

    Need help with T-Cypionate - Vials (Single vs. multiple - What do you guys use?)

    Hello, I'm about to start T-Cypionate. Pharmacy tells me that it only lasts 28 days so I must order individual single use vials of 100 mg each so they last 70 days which is what was prescribed by the doctor. Problem is that even though the doctor ordered 100 mg/week, I was planning on using 40...
  11. M

    Did labcorp mess up my test results OR did empower pharmacy give me bad batch of testosterone cypionate?

    Would like some opinions on the above title please. I’ve been running test cyp at 160mg split into two dosages of 80mg every 3.5 days now since 06/2022. I’ve had blood work done back on 9/2022 & 01/2023 and both times testosterone would come back at around 1000-1100 and estradiol at around 28...
  12. G

    8 Weeks In 7mg Daily

    I'm 8 weeks in to 7mg test cyp, after being on 5mg daily for months (thinking Testosterone was my insomnia and other symptoms cause). I'm pleased with these free test levels. Getting stronger in the gym too. When should I retest to ensure my hgb and hct doesn't keep climbing up...
  13. K

    Heart Palpitations, Chest Pain, and Anxiety with TestCyp.

    29 year old male, 155 lbs. Using 150 mg test cyp (75 mg 2x a week IM). I am dealing with heart palpitations, chest pain and anxiety for past couple weeks now. If i dial back to 50 mg or miss a dose it goes away with in a few days. I had this happen in the past but only with using 300 mg or so...
  14. M

    Test numbers

    Hey guys I'm in canada so when I first started my doctor has me on 250mg test cypionate (2.5ml) every 14 days.y first shot at injection clinic was.Noc 4 2022 and I was tested my testosterone level was 7.2 .my family doctor requested I get blood work done 1 week later so.i went yesterday and...
  15. M

    Bi weekly injections but want weekly done

    Hi guys I'm on a current testosterone replacement therapy 250mg every 14 days. with me through my doctor but I can't get them to prescribe it to me every week I mean I can do the injection to myself but I just been going through an injection Clinic because I'm afraid to give myself the...
  16. M

    Recommendations for doctor online or in NYC area...

    Hey guys, Looking to get a second opinion from a doc on my current regimen, trying to eliminate the ridiculous puffy face/neck that's still plaguing me 4 months in. My current doc is reasonably good but he seems unconcerned about my concerns. He just tells me "If you are concerned about the side...
  17. Mojo88

    Can someone take peek at my latest tests

    I'm 71 now, age is creeping up there, haha. Been on TRT for about 10 years, was doing IM for most of that time at 100mg/1x week. About 3 months ago, I switched to Sub-Q (which I much prefer to the IM), doing 30mg E3D (~70mg/week total), and I just got my first test results back. I would...
  18. Warrior

    I feel good but have high estradiol- Should I treat?

    Long time TRT user, never had any sides etc. Yearly bloodwork was just done, estradiol was 67. Total T was 567 in trough. Free 155. Looking back, estradiol is always 64 to 67 which I know is higher? Dont have any problems just looking for feedback please.
  19. M

    Natural T vs. Test Cyp.

    I'm sure this has been answered here before but I searched and can't find the answer. The question I have is: Normal males produce around 4-7 milligrams of natural testosterone per day, so that works out to 28-49mgs per week. Why do we tend to use so much more, say testosterone cypionate...
  20. R

    On TRT and low lobido

    Hi Guys, I’ve been on TRT for a while now and take the following meds regularly. Current meds I’m on: Test Cyp - 0.3ml x 2 times a week 200 mg/ml (so thats 60mg twice a week) Anastrozole - 0.5mg x 2 times a week I’ve noticed that I have been lacking in sexual desire most of the time. I can...
  21. G

    High HGB/HCT

    Hey guys, I just got a CBC done yesterday and my hemoglobin is 18.8 and hematocrit is 53.2. I can't believe this as I've lowered my dose to 6-7mg daily about 4 weeks ago from running 9-10mg daily for a couple months. When I lowered the dose, my hct was 50.8 and hgb was 17.8. I also saw on...
  22. J

    First labs since beginning TRT (Test Cyp)

    Quick backstory. 33yo, 5'11" 180lbs. First experienced low T symptoms at age 27, confirmed by labs (one lab reading was as low as 196 total T with normal range 264-916 and free T of 3.9 with normal range of 8.3-30.1). Endocrinologist initially thought it was stress-induced/adrenal fatigue as I...
  23. G

    Switching From ED back to EOD or 2x Week

    I've been experimenting with an every day test cyp protocol and I'm not sure I can stand to finish adjusting to it. I barely slept in a week. My question is, if my free T is in a good place while on every day protocol, what happens when I double or triple it even quadruple the dose to go back...
  24. B

    Test Prop @ 15mg ED/SQ vs Test Cyp @ 20mg ED/SQ... Results.....

    Below are my Lab results from my use of Test Cyp @ 20mg ed/SQ for 8 months and Test Prop @ 15mg ed/sq for about 3 months. Test Cyp @ 20mg ED/SQ (8 months) Testosterone Total-Male 609.0 ng/dL 300.0 - 890.0 ng/dL Free Testosterone 168.7 pg/mL 47.0 - 244.0 pg/mL Estradiol, Serum 72...
  25. M

    I need knowledgeable opinions on crazy side effects on 100Mg a week TRT.

    Hi guys, I'll cut to the chase, I know everyone's time is valuable but I need help figuring out something and it's driving me crazy. Im 41m , workout 3 times a week heavy lifting. Jiujitsu 4 times a week sometimes 2x a day. Experienced slow recovery and other related symptoms of low T. Lab...
  26. C

    Weekly Injections

    I currently inject 100mg Test-cyp weekly. Shallow IM. Every Friday. I have been finding lately that the few days prior to my injection is when I am feeling the best. Increased libido, energy, focus etc...Could this be indicative that my test is too high and as it levels out towards the end of...
  27. T

    15 weeks into protocol change, still not feeling well.. advice?

    Hey guys, I'm 33 years old. Next week will be 4 months since switching my Test Cyp protocol from 160 mg/week to 80 mg every 3.5 days. HCG 3x / week. Still not stabilized - severe anxiety / moodswings - 2-3 days out of the week I will feel great, 4-5 days horrible. Energy is great, sleep is...
  28. T

    Pharmacy switching 10ml/200mg to 1ml/200mg without telling me

    Dr. prescribed my 10ml/200mg that I've been taking for over 2.5 years and my wife came home with 7 bottles of 1ml/200mg. I called and asked about the mess up and they said the bottles expired after 28 days and would not let me return them since she had already left. Is this right and what about...
  29. T

    Endocrinologist meeting tomorrow.

    Hi guys, I’m a uk bloke who after jumping through a number of hoops to try and get referred, has a meeting with an endocrinologist tomorrow. Ive got low t (200 ng/dl) after a testicular teratoma and radiotherapy 20 years ago, and I could do with some help with what to push on tomorrow please...
  30. L

    TRT raised my blood pressure, how long to normalize after dropping treatment?

    I am a 32 year old male, and have been on TRT for ~4 years, always using a gel prescribed by an endo. On the gel my levels went from 190 to lower 500s. Not too satisfied with my results, after being on the gel, I decided to switch to an online clinic and begin injections. On injections i...