
  1. C

    Shipping peptides abroad

    Hi. Does any of you know if some of the medical providers will send peptides to Europe? I have a dual citizenship and live abroad. I will check up with the different providers soon, but would like if any of you have experience. I am under doctor supervision (trt), but the country does not...
  2. M

    PEPTIDE RESULTS IN: IGF-1, testosterone, etc.

    Big n-1 results update. With all the gym bros telling me for the last 10 years that GH secretatgogue peptides are a scam and a waste of $$$$ - and that good ol' GH is superior and the only way to go - - - Let me preface this post by saying that these peptides do work. I repeat. THESE PEPTIDES...
  3. E

    BPC-157 and/or TB-500 Results?

    Has anyone had positive results using either BPC-157 or TB-500 (or both, as you can buy them in combination) for healing an injury? In researching these compounds one finds a lot of almost too good to be true anecdotes of healing various injuries, but upon a bit more digging I found a few...