t cyp

  1. phalloguy100

    Getting sleepy after T-cyp injections?

    I was on Androgel until last year, when it seemingly stopped absorbing so i was switched to compounded cream. Well, it worked great for two weeks, but then it wouldn't absorb consistently either. So the doctor switched me to T-Cyp in grapeseed oil, which I started last week. I'm now doing T-cyp...
  2. R

    T cyp and HCG Onset and half life after administration

    How long does it take for T cyp ang HCG to reach therapeutic levels and half life administration from day/hour zero? I am asking as I need to inject both on different days,twice a week. I read on a bodybuilding site a trainer recommends the day before next T injection but from what charts I saw...
  3. R

    1st 2 first shots of T cyp

    After my first 2 shots of T cyp at 70mg each I feel fatigued and weaker. Maybe a little worse then I first started. Is this normal since my levels are fluctuating or should I be feeling great since I'm basically adding to my natural production right now?