t cream

  1. V

    Allergic reaction to Empower’s T cream and other meds

    I’m breaking out with face redness/itch that goes from my eyebrows and down through cheeks, now nearly to my jaw. I was on Empowers T cream and hydrocortisone and was breaking out a few months ago. Took a break from all meds and was doing fine. I started Empowers injectable Taurine and...
  2. M

    Timing of labs on T Cream

    I just started on the cream this weekend. I’m thinking about going in next week to run some labs to see where my levels are at and adjust from there. I know with the short half life of the cream, timing is really important for labs. So my question is, how many hours after I apply the cream...
  3. B

    Scrotal T Cream causing irritation

    Anyone else get any sort of scrotal irritation from applying to cream there? I use the compounded cream from empower like most that use the cream on here. I’m wondering if the irritation could be a reason I seem to absorb it more poorly than many others, who knows.
  4. S

    Scrotal TRT Cream Application - A Precautionary Tale

    I had been on 50 md/l T Cream (applied trans-dermal to the inside of my forearms) since 6/2018, and at 9/2018 I noticed that I was feeling worse, and my Total and Free T and E2 went down below what they were when I started. I gave my doctor Dr. Crisler’s book, and finally convinced him to allow...
  5. L

    Time for T Cream to Have Effect?

    With Defy, I started 20% Compounded T Cream about 4-5 days ago. I am on "two clicks" or 100 MG per day. Have been rubbing into arms/shoulders, and put 1-click onto scrotum today, but I am feeling literally no effect from this? I did IM injections about 2 years ago, then stopped TRT until now...
  6. L

    T-Cream Newbie, Please Help

    I'm with Defy and about to begin the protocol below. Unfortunately, everything arrived with no application instructions at all? I've done HCG and can handle that, but: 1) Where should I apply the T cream to start out here? Seems like a lot of guys are doing scrotal application? Or should I...