Hello All,
I was using:
InsulinNeedle Gauge27g
Needle Length1/2''
I was getting lumps in my belly fat area since I inject subQ. I inquired about this and was told to use a 25 gauge 5/8 length one instead. They said the 27 gauge isnt long enough and maybe thats why I was getting...
What syringe size in ML are you using? I have 3 ML and it seems big and maybe a little less accurate to dose my .35mg Test-Cyp 200 twice a week. Do you use 1 or 3ML syringes if you are around this dose? I looked and the 1ML syringes seem to be double or more the cost for a 3ML luer lok.
Hello everyone. I am just posting this quick question. I am out of longer syringes that would be used to inject myself in the thigh muscle but still have easytouch syringes for my HCG. Theyre thin and short so im not sure they would reach my muscle. Are these syringes sufficient to inject or not?
I am using now easy touch insulin syringes inject my testosterone. Before i was using BD. BD has a very thin rubber marker that lines up perfectly to the measurements on the syringe. Easy touch however has a much thicker rubber marker that can pretty much fall between every 0.1 mark. If you are...