
  1. R

    Cortisol (prednisolone) and RA

    When I take high doze of prednisone I have more energy, more libido , less joint pain and less swelling.. Is my body not producing enough cortisol hormone. Is there anything I can do so that my body can produce normal level of cortisol about 7.5mg a doctor told me if I am not wrong. What is...
  2. R

    Prednisone and libido

    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and take prednisone occasionally when My joints swells up and and get painfull, stiff. My libido comes down when I quit prednisone. Fluid retention starts to build up without prednisone. What can I do instead of taking prednisone. I heard lot of side effects of...
  3. B

    Thinking about adding Deca for joint pain.

    I'm 58 years old and my joints continue to give me issues, on 80 mg a week of test cyp split x2, my dr gave me meloxicam and muscle relaxers for my joint pain, I have been thinking about adding a small dose of Deca instead of all of the nsaids, would like to hear from anyone who has used deca...
  4. A

    Hands Swelling At Night

    For the past week or so I've been experiencing some notable swelling in my fingers when I lay down to sleep at night. It gets bad enough to where I wake up at night because my right hand is totally numb and then I have to awkwardly shift sleeping position. My protocol is currently 20 mg test C...
  5. keithc2485

    Pain and swelling after needle stick in R thigh .. concerned

    Hey guys. So I've been doing self-injections for 5 years and I'm pretty good at them. but today I was distracted I guess, on speakerphone etc. Anyway I was doing my testosterone injection in my right upper thigh I think I went a little too middle and when I injected the needle my whole leg...
  6. A

    My first TRT injection reaction

    After doing research for almost an year, I started my TRT. I am using TRT+HCG. Yesterday i tried to mix both test and hcg in a single needle but it dint go through well. There were bubbles so i throwed it away. So after that i took separate injection for test n hcg. Hcg went well no issues but...
  7. R

    Prostate swelling issue question

    OK guys I think I've touched on this before but search function does not work for me. It seems I have a prostate swelling issue or pelvic floor issue. After ejaculation its sore just under the scrotum..it's an issue that comes and goes. Imy thinking I should talk to my doc but want to see what...
  8. J

    edema[swelling] what is the cause

    Started to get a lot of swelling in my legs and 6 pound weight gain over 4 days after being on TRT for 5weeks. No other symptoms. Is this a side effect of the TRT or the estradiol breakdown product. Got some relief with an over the counter diuretic. any other suggestions?