
  1. T

    My clinic says gel is less suppressive than injectables and easier to come off

    I’ve been on TRT for coming up to 3 years. Due to having various issues with it, I am considering trying to come off it. I was on cypionate for 1.5 years, then sustanon for a year and now testogel for last 4/5 months. I enquired about stopping with my clinic and they said that gel was less...
  2. J

    Does HCG suppress to the same extent as exogenous testosterone? I want to take HCG for fertility reasons, but when I come off, will have low T levels?

    I want to run HCG in order to improve my fertility numbers. I’ve got 3 10,000iu bottles of HCG that my doctor prescribed for me, but I’m concerned that taking this will suppress my own testosterone production…leaving me low T or a need for a “PCT” once I stop the HCG injections. Am I off base...
  3. J

    Short Acting T Less Suppresive of FH, LSH

    Here is the abstract: A total of 8 studies reported the effect of T on FSH and LH in 793 hypogonadal men: 2 used long-acting injectables (enanthate or undecanoate) in a total of 16 men, 5 used intermediate-acting daily topical gels or patches in a total of 471 men, and 1 used short-acting...
  4. S

    Oxandrolone with 10mg DHEA at the end: blood tests and my experience

    I am a 46 yo male, skinny-flabby, HIV positive (undetectable but with immune system that is still not recovered). I go to gym 4-5 days a week but often don't have the energy to finish the workout, muscles remain lame, strength does not increase, have no energy during the day and some fat in face...
  5. C

    Is GnRH suppression hurting us?

    Admittedly the last thing we need is some other nebulous danger to worry about that may not even exist. Read on at your peril. TL;DR: Testosterone replacement therapy suppresses the production of GnRH. Receptors for GnRH are found in places besides the pituitary. One animal model suggests GnRH...
  6. K

    Is it true that low-dose TRT does NOT suppress own production?

    I‘m currently FURIOUS about my doc. Grrrrrr.... Backstory here. Anyway - is it true that you can give low-dose TRT as an „add-on“ in a low-enough dose that does not suppress your own production? My impression was that ANY exogenous test will suppress your own function. Any studies / medical...