sore joints

  1. B

    Having a rough time since I lowered my Test dose....

    I lowered my dose from 120mg (was on for over a year) slowly down to 90mg a week over a few months, just recently (2 weeks ago) split it into 3 times a week MWF 30 mgs per. SInce then I feel more emotional, depressed, anxious, my nipples are really sore, I am more TIRED and ACHY all over...
  2. J

    Loss of strength after starting TRT and estrogen blocker.

    Good afternoon, I’m experiencing some strange side effects from TRT therapy. I first started 1ml once weekely and felt great for about 3 days. After that I started to retain fluid and feel worse than I did before I started TRT therapy. My Dr. put me on an estrogen blocker, my estrogen levels...
  3. J

    Debate - Androgens: Estrogen ratio vs Overall Hormone Levels.

    I searched here, but I couldn't find any in-depth discussions about this specific issue. If anyone has any literature they would mind sharing on this topic, I would be extremely interested to read it. A couple questions: 1) Will you suffer from having too high of hormones, generally...
  4. D

    What would cause sore joints on TRT?

    Relative newbie getting this thing dialed in. I have worked through a number of issues with help of this board (much thanks!!!). I am stronger and more sexually active than I have ever been, enjoying life finally. My newest problem is sore joints. Specifically elbows and wrists. I have never...