Hi all. Well 8 weeks off TRT GP asked me ti try to then get bloods done. He wants to see what my bloods are without TRT.. He then wants to refer me to one of the top endocrinologists in the UK.. So 9 weeks have passed and my results are test is 14.4 nmol ref range(6 to 27)
Shgb 64 nmol...
Hi Guys, what is considered as low SHGB. Mine came back as 17. With test coming in at 939 ng/dl. Waiting on free test and E results. Poor erection quality and low libido. Any suggestions?
I haven't been on here in a while, but I recently had my 6 month blood work and have the results for that, but the big thing that changed is my PCP finally agreed to prescribe my HCG after taking it for 2+ years through Defy. As usual I asked him to prescribe and he asked me how it works (even...
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