shbg advice

  1. T

    SERM to Increase SHBG

    Does anyone have any experience with using a SERM to increase SHBG. I am low single digit and am unable to impact it with frequency changes etc. I have read that a SERM like Roloxaphine / Clomid / Nolvadex may be effective. Does anyone have any experience with this as an effective way to treat...
  2. N

    Test ok but free T is low

    Hi all. After four years on trt to hunt for a libido I came off cold turkey. 9 months off and test and lh and fsh have bounced back . Free t is still low. Would it be worth jumping back on trt low dose to try and up the free t . S shbg is high and have been taking boron so one of the reasons why...
  3. T

    Anyone successfully raised SHBG

    Has anyone managed to successfully raise SHBG. My SHBG is crazy low - Way below the reference range to the point sometimes is doesn’t even register. I’ve tried changing injection frequency and it’s made zero difference. Has anyone managed to successfully raise it? I’ve always struggled with...
  4. K

    Any new discoveries on Low SHBG curse ?

    I m just checking with the community to see if there is a new discovery with Low SHBG individuals ? Any new treatment ? Any new strategies to raise it ? It is a bad curse .
  5. B

    High total T, low free T... no TRT... WTF

    Trying to figure out my labs... not on any exogenous hormones. (I do take metformin for anti-aging/cancer) 46 yo... BMI 23... weightlifting 5-6 times/week... hard to gain muscle mass... kind of down in the evenings. Total T: 874 ng/dL Free T: 60 pg/ml FSH: 4.3 mIU/mL LH: 2.8 mIU/mL Seems...
  6. C

    High SHBG, Low Free T, and Libido - Can you help me?

    200mg test cyp a week, twice a week injection M/TH 0.125mg Arimidex with injection twice a week. 0.25mg total a week SHBG 49.9 1259 total test Free T 26.4 pg/mL Estradiol ,sensitive 45.4 pg/mL I felt my e2 was low on this and I had brain fog. Irritable, and just depressed. Libido was good...
  7. Pnw0031

    Raising SHBG using raloxifene

    Curious if anyone has raised shbg using a SERM like raloxifene, a new blood test shown my shbg was even lower- 11! It’s likely my shbg was lowered via Proviron given to me by my endo (she is an idiot but that’s besides the point). I do have some raloxifene I’d like to use to raise my shbg to...
  8. N

    High shbg very low free t . Moody irritable and zero sex drive

    Hi all New guy here. 50-year old guy living in the United Kingdom. Have been on testosterone therapy for 3 years and never felt optimised. Libido has constantly been very very low and recently my shbg has gone up to 70 . . I’ve noticed that I am more irritable and moody than I’ve ever been the...
  9. N

    High cortisol

    Hi all. Two weeks ago I was feeling my beat when rested . I went to bed and woke the next morning with an ok blood pressure but heart rate was 124... My shbg is 66 and now I'm thinking it could be high cortisol. Can high cortisol increase shbg and if so how can I reduce cortisol ? Symptoms...
  10. B

    High e2 and high shbg

    Hey guys new member here! So I finished up my clomid a little over a week ago and got bloods done. I know it was too soon, but I felt really shitty. Estradiol-Ultrasensative 56 (<or29 pg/ml) SHBG 54 (10-50 Nmol/L) Total test 1526 (250-1100) Free test 241 (35-155) I feel pretty shitty...
  11. W

    Help needed on balancing my hormones

    Hello , I am 48 yrs old 5’-11” 170 lbs @ 12% bf . I was on TRT since I was 32 years old due to hypogonadism caused by abuse of AAS when I was in my late high school and college years . In 2020 I tapered off trt and used hcg and clomid and herbal supplements to see if I could possibly restart...
  12. E

    Free T isn't it all?

    If one low shbg person has high free T on the last day before injection on a every 4 days protocol, then why do tell them to take more frequent injections? Their T is already high, Maybe bioavailabile testosterone is what really matters??? Why the need to do more frequent injections
  13. P

    SHBG Dropping

    Haven’t posted in a while, but I am working through a baffling deal. When I started TRT 4 years ago my SHBG was 46, it fell into the 30’s and stabilized there for a couple of years….I have been on same T dosage range for well over a year now of 120 mg week divided E3.5D. My SHBG has fallen...
  14. T

    Low DHEA , SHBG and Cortisol

    I’ve been on TRT for five years now , I was diagnosed with hypogonadism after an endo ordered some blood work and I came out with very low T levels, I was 30 years old at the time. My symptoms before the blood work were very low energy , weight gain and low libido . My endo put me on trt: Test...
  15. M

    Advice/help for high shbg guy

    Any guys here with normal total t and high shbg (pre trt) that could give me some advice please? Had blood tests done 4 time over the last year. Each time everything was right where it needed to be axcpet for my shbg. Total t has been 620-743. Shbg has been 56-75. Putting my free t between 9.1...
  16. Nocalves

    Testosterone for low SHBG

    I try unsuccesfuly set my trt protocol and there is question in my head. If am on Testosterone enanthate 40mg EOD, I have very unstable level of T and e2. I made blood work 6h after pin- T was 800 and E2 was 50 and right befor next pin it was T550 and e2 32.. So consider ED aplication will...
  17. V

    Struggling with getting dialed in

    Hi there, been reading the past week or so in search of a solution to my problems listed below. - Age, 43 - Weight 284 - Height 6'1 - 22 year lifter, former competitive powerlifter - Absolutely zero libido - Fatigue, no motivation, do not find enjoyment in activities I normally would. - Feel...
  18. M

    Endo says SHBG doesn’t need to be tested. Need advice

    This site has been a huge help to me on my TRT journey, so big thanks to Nelson and the other mods for running it and responding to posts! I’m 48 YO and Ive been on TRT since 10/10/2018 after my 3rd bout of MDD and 2 blood tests that showed I was at 110 and 150 TT. Traditional ADs were not...