I took HCG, HMG, and Toremifene (SERM) to restart my HPTA. I’m taking no meds at all now.
All my lab works shows I recovered fully. I tested total T, free T, E2, LH, FSH, PSA, and prolactin.
All my numbers came back in a good range.
However, when I cum, I barely have any semen still. My gf...
Since starting TRT, my semen volume has decreased so much. I’m 38 years old.
Is this normal? How can I get the volume back? My girlfriend doesn’t like it that I can’t produce much semen anymore.
So anybody who's been active has probably noticed the sequential threads ive posted over the past couple of weeks. In short, i've been feeling for quite some time that the drawbacks of trt have far outweighed the benefits and am preparing to potentially stop.
Two of the reasons for the...
Has anyone here on TRT needed to supplement with Semenax or other products to help regain semen volume and /or force or orgasm sensitivity? Any recommendations of products that actually work?