
  1. Nelson Vergel

    Tirzepatide vs Semaglutide: Pros and Cons

    Tirzepatide and semaglutide are both injectable medications used for weight loss and type 2 diabetes management, but they differ in their mechanisms of action and effectiveness. Here's a comparison of the two drugs: Mechanism of Action Tirzepatide: Dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic...
  2. M

    Unexpected blood pressure drop with Semaglutide

    I have always had high blood pressure, even as a child. Since my BP spikes up and down, seemingly randomly, it's very difficult to control. And in the past few years the highs have been 200+/100+, high enough for one doctor to refuse to treat me anymore, and another doc wanted me to go the ER...
  3. Brandon Church

    FREE Semaglutide @ Precision Peptide Co

    Hey guys, I've started a new research peptide company, Precision Peptide Co. Nelson gave me his blessing to post here, but we're giving away 2mg Semaglutide vials with promo code SEMLAUNCH. FREE Bacwater with code BACWATER. Our products are third party tested at 99.5%+ (or they're punted into...
  4. W

    Semaglutide Reconstitution and dosing

    What is the proper amount of bacteriostatic water for a 5mg vial? And how much do you inject? I saw one person that said 3mg of water to 3mg of semaglutide but another person said they did 2mg of water to 5mg of semaglutide. Both seemed to say take .25mcg but isn’t that different amounts?
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Has the weight-loss treatment Ozempic accidentally become an anti-anxiety wonder drug?

    Has the weight-loss treatment Ozempic accidentally become an anti-anxiety wonder drug?
  6. Pacman

    Semaglutide for neuropathic pain? (link to study)

    I found this study that found a link between GLP-1 receptors and neuropathic pain: Microglial Activation of GLP-1R Signaling in Neuropathic Pain Promotes Gene Expression Adaption Involved in Inflammatory Responses This is the only study I have found on this topic (so far), but if that study's...
  7. Pacman

    Semaglutide: Preventing/Dealing with Side Effects

    Hi all! I just received my Semaglutide medicine. I am planning to take it later today for the first time. I am excited about it (due to the fact that I have always had weight issues my entire life) but also very nervous (because I tend to have GI issues easily, usually in the form of...