secondary hypogonadism

  1. C

    Dad now son at 19 low t

    I got DX at 40 years old with secondary hypogonadism and have been on trt since. I remember I had lowish LH and FSH. Tried clomid which brought up LH moderately but did not bring up my testosterone enough. Also felt not well on it. I believe I have some primary and secondary. Because I have a...
  2. W

    Clomid kicked numbers up, but still feeling down. Feeling lost.

    Hello all, I am very happy to find this forum. To make a long story short, i was diagnosed with Hypogonadism a few months back. I am 28, 6'3 and 190lbs. I don't smoke/drink and lead an active life. My first test showed my Test at 404 ng/dL (ref. range is 264-916 ng/dL), as well as very low...
  3. phalloguy100

    Are Clomid side effects worth it?

    Hey there! I've been on TRT for a while due to secondary hypogonadism. Due to moving / no job, I was off TRT for 2-3 years and my levels dropped to "normal" which for me is <200 total T. Started seeing a new PCP last year who ran 2 morning T tests, both came back low, so he started me on...
  4. A

    anyone with experience using mesterolone (proviron) to combat SHBG rise from clomid?

    Hi all, Condensed "TL;DR" version of my question: has anyone who has been on clomid to treat secondary hypogonadism tried a low dose of mesterolone (proviron) to reduce the SHBG increase ensuing from using clomid? If so, can you tell me about your experience? Context/long version: I have...
  5. bennettjc

    Secondary Hypogonadism - Data On The Causes? Prevalence of Pituitary Lesions?

    I often find myself giving advise to guys who are started on TRT who have not had any sort of thoughtful evaluation of the etiology of their hypogonadism. The question comes up of whether or not to recommend an MRI of the pituitary. As someone whose hypogonadism may be due to a pituitary...
  6. A

    Low LH and FSH

    Hi guys, Hope everyone is staying safe, 30 yr old, good health, no medication. Feeling fatigued, brain fog, no motivation and indecisive asf, low semen volume. Got various blood done on different occasions, my doctor is useless so I used a private clinic I paid for, got bloods done on 6...
  7. A

    so what *are* the possible causes of late-onset secondary hypogonadism?

    I realise I'm asking a very big question, but it seems (barring a pituitary tumor or head trauma) doctors don't seem to have any explanation for late occuring secondary hypogonadism. I even asked the late Dr. Crisler on the phone once, and he couldn't offer any suggestion. Some salient facts...
  8. B

    Determining Primary vs Secondary after TRT

    Hey guys, I'd like to determine if I am primary or secondary hypogonadic. Unfortunately, the blood work I had done pre-trt were very minimal and only show TT. Of course, my current blood work shows my LH, FSH, etc. are near zero. Is there a way I can determine if I am primary or secondary...
  9. A

    probably being prescribed sustanon-250 every 3 weeks; options?

    Hi all, ----- I'm cross-posting this (with some alteration) from the All Thing Male forums, where I used to be somewhat more active in the past. I hope that's all right. In the extremely unlikely chance someone has the time or interest to read my history, it's all there on ATM forums. Please...
  10. Zetor

    Blood tests look ok but i'm not

    Hello everyone! I visited my doctor because of all the symptoms i got. I didn't hit puberty as i should. I was really small till i was 17 years old and then my body start growing too fast to 185cm. I was always anxious when looking at other school mates growing their beard and body hair. I lack...
  11. N

    FSH and LH almost zero but midrange T

    I have the following lab results and I'm very confused: FSH - 0.1 in a 1.5 to 12.4 range LH 0.1 in a 1.7 to 8.6 range I'm already on TRT with Nebido, last shot that was supposed to last for 3 months was 22 days ago and my Total T is 446 and Free T is 15.26. I understand FSH and LH reduce with...
  12. A

    Testosterone injections vs Clomid for secondary sexual characteristics, need help!

    Hi everyone, I'm 32 years old and have secondary hypogonadism (was diagnosed at 25 years old). I've been on clomid for around 7 years now that was prescribed by my urologist. My main question is whether testosterone injections are more effective than clomid for secondary sexual characteristics...
  13. N

    4 week results with HCG mono therapy for secondary case

    21 year old male... started HCG mono therapy with 1,000IU 2x per week. Had bloodwork re-tested after 4 weeks the results are as follows. Labs pre HCG on 4/21/18 Testosterone total- 49ng/dL range: 240-950ng/dL Testosterone free -0.78ng/dL range: 5.25-20.7ng/dL SHBG- 72 nmol/L range: 17-56...
  14. N

    HCG Monotherapy experiences and when to give up?

    As a secondary case of hypogonadism I began therapy 4 weeks ago with 1,000IU injections 2x weekly. I have yet to have to retested blood work to see if it has improved my levels, but I have not noticed any benefit yet. My question is based off of peoples experiences how long does it usually take...
  15. madman

    Secondary male hypogonadism: a prevalent but overlooked comorbidity of obesity

    Conclusion: - male hypogonadism associated with obesity is very prevalent and is increasing in parallel to the increasing prevalence of obesity - hypogonadism perpetuates obesity, especially central obesity and, as a consequence, related cardiometabolic complications, such as T2DM and...
  16. H

    LH and FSH cuttoff values

    What are the minimum lab values to differentiate between primary and secondary hypogonadism? And is there a difference in treatment for each? I've read many posts and medical websites but can't find a firm number to differentiate the two diagnosis. Here are my PreTRT lab values. LH 2.3 mIU/mL...
  17. R

    Help with Blood Test - Secondary Hypogonadism?

    Does anyone out there have secondary hypogonadism and is on TRT? So I just had my second blood test done. * Total Test: 314 ng/dL * Free Test: 8.8 mIU/mL * LH: 1.8 mIU/mL * FSH: 1.5 mIU/mL From what I've researched... Secondary Hypogonadism = Low Test + Low LH + Low FSH I'm setup to see a...
  18. C

    Any studies that show that HCG improves libido ? How do I get a HCG prescription?

    Hi, I recently had an operation for a craniopharyngioma, a benign brain tumor. It was located near the pituitary gland so after the operation my pituitary gland was damaged so that it doesn't produce any hormones anymore. I now take all the hormones in pill-form, and use androgel to raise my...