Hello ,
I am searching the web for info about whether or kot testosterone cream can really expire but I can't seem any info about it can you guys tell me a little bit more about that ?
I am on a 20% transcrotal testosterone cream mysellf and I was wondering if the expiration date is really...
Hi, im currently on Testoviron, and thinking on asking my doctor if i can try testosterone cream. I first started my TRT therapy with testogel, with bad absorption. Then he put me on Nebido, and im currently on Testoviron. Ive been on the needles for a few years now, 4-5 yrs and im getting more...
Anyone else getting scrotal irritation from shaving? Obviously I’m using the trans scrotal cream application. I always use 5 blade razor with high quality and plenty of shave cream. How often is everyone shaving their scrotum that uses the cream? Odd question I know, but I’m sure others have run...
I'd love to hear from any of you that have low SHBG (say < 18 nmol/L) and had bad results injecting testosterone, then switched to scrotal cream (either alone or in conjunction with injections). What was your experience? I am primarily asking about libido/ED/sexual function, but any other areas...
"Transdermal testosterone has been used for years to treat patients with low testosterone symptoms. Clinically, we have monitored patients to evaluate results of testosterone absorption via blood serum concentrations. The data on multiple time points to determine trough and peak concentrations...