scrotal testosterone

  1. P

    How to transition from injections to cream?

    What is the correct protocol to transition from cypionate injections to cream? I am taking 60mg e3d of cyp currently and would like to switch to 50mg of cream to the scrotum daily. I am due for my next shot tomorrow. Should I start with 25mg per day for a week and then up to 50 or is there a...
  2. C


    I wanted to share my experience because it has been an absolute game changer for me as far as my TRT is concerned. I was diagnosed with low T about 18 months ago and have been trying to get "dialed in" for a while. I learned about shbg, tracking my sensitive e2, the half lives of different...
  3. J

    Testosterone... Scrotal application... timing... energy

    Physiologically, is there an optimal time of the day or evening to apply testosterone, scrotally, assuming once a day? If I work out at the gym at 9-9:30AM, and apply the testosterone at noon, what will my energy level be like at 9AM-9:30AM considering it would be ~21 hours since my last...