saliva cortisol

  1. C

    How long to flush Preg and dhea out of system

    Hello, does anyone know how long ~about to get dhea and pregnenolone supplements out of system, that my dhea and pregnenolone crushes back on my pre stage levels? Im going to test my ”natural” saliva 24h cortisol and saliva dhea-s and rT3 levels. I dont want That dhea and pregnenolone...
  2. R

    Cortisol Results (saliva)

    My saliva cortisol results - Time of day, Result, Optimal Range, Reference Range Morning 7.6 nmol/L (not optimal) 14 - 25 7 - 30 Afternoon 1.3 nmol/L (Low) 5 - 10 2.1 - 14 Evening 3.4 nmol/L (within range) 2 - 5 1.5 - 8 Night 0.83 nmol/L (not optimal) 1 - 4 0.33 -...
  3. J

    Cortisol Saliva Test Timing With Injections

    I purchased a cortisol saliva test as I suspect my cortisol is high at night (waking at 3am). I am a defy patient currently injecting hCG and Test every 3.5 days. I am scheduled to take my test and hCG tomorrow (Monday) morning, and my first saliva test is supposed to be upon waking. Should my...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Late-night salivary cortisol accurate test for Cushing's syndrome in obesity, PCOS

    “Late-night salivary cortisol measurement has recently gained widespread acceptance as a non-invasive, reliable and easy-to-perform test in the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome,” Hande Mefkure Ozkaya, MD, of the department of endocrinology and metabolism at Cerrahpasa Medical School, University...