
  1. E

    Current Defy Medical Restart Protocol

    Does anyone know what the current Defy Medical restart protocol looks like? The most recent I could find was from 2021: STOP T Cyp BEGIN HCG 500 iu TIW x 2 weeks then stop BEGIN Enclomiphene 25mg by mouth Daily M-F x 12 weeks then stop CONT Anastrozole 0.2 mg twice weekly, discontinue at end...
  2. D

    Looking for Restart Thoughts

    33 yr old, regular lifter, 190lbs, 13% bf. 4-5x/ week exercise with cardio/hiit. Ran two cycles of AAS five years ago, been on TRT ever since (sustanon), Gonadorelin (I don't like it) and adex. Looking to come off TRT/Restart so my wife and I can have another kiddo. Here's my proposed plan...
  3. S

    PCT Log (27 Y/O, 3 years on TRT)

    Hi all. Have used this forum for info before, but thought I'd make a log here to document my attempt at restarting natural production. Will use nmol/L and mmol/L measurements here for total/free testosterone in the format of total/free. To convert to ng/dl, multiply these numbers by 28.85 for...
  4. Y

    Hcg as a restart?

    Hey guys, I’m 33 and have T in the 300-350 range with most low t symptoms. Been on a regimen of 100mg weekly for 2 months and it has helped. I don’t completely mind the thought of doing this for life but also think maybe I should try a restart to see if maybe I can produce normally after...
  5. O

    Thinking of getting back on…

    Hi, I was on TRT for several years, going to the ‘low t center’ for weekly shots and about 6 mo the ago I stopped. My blood pressure was super high and sleep apnea pretty constant and I just felt overall that I needed a ‘reset’ physically and mentally. I recently saw a doctor who is open to TRT...
  6. H

    Feedback on my HCG Protocol?

    Hello Friends, Tomorrow, I will be commencing a "restart" protocol. I would like to make sure that I have everything correct before beginning. This will be my first time administering self treatment, so any feedback is greatly appreciated! Without further ado... Pre Treatment Test Results...
  7. K

    Toremifene Citrate

    I m in the process of restarting after TRT , but Clomid is a non-starter for me and Nolvadex also gave me libido issues . I want to choose Toremifene Citrate as the SERM post HCG but my doctor says it may not be available in pharmacies . Does anybody know if that is true ? Is there a pharmacy...
  8. M

    Gonadorelin Usage

    I have recently decided to stop TRT. Been about 5 weeks since last used and off course my T is low. I was on about 12 week total so not sure how long before my body will kick in producing again. Would Gonadorelin speed this up? Cannot get HCG in my state. Has anyone used Gonadorlien?
  9. W

    Progress coming off 6 years self TRT

    Started a new thread so someone can benefit from a google search. Here are results 6 weeks into 25mg clomiphene citrate ED as part of coming off of 6 year self administered TRT. I was hoping to have Total T and Free T be higher since LH is so high. All numbers will go down once clomid is out of...
  10. J

    Post-PCT 2 months, and I still have NO libido at all. {Labs posts}

    LH cut off. It’s 3.1 (1.5-9.3 scale) I’m about 2 months post-PCT, and taking nothing at all anymore. My libido is still SO low…almost nonexistent. Not even close to how it was before I started TRT. And when I orgasm, it is still just a dribble. Not much volume to it at all. But these labs all...
  11. J

    Does semen volume ever come back? I’ve been off TRT since February, and I still just have drops that come out:(

    I took HCG, HMG, and Toremifene (SERM) to restart my HPTA. I’m taking no meds at all now. All my lab works shows I recovered fully. I tested total T, free T, E2, LH, FSH, PSA, and prolactin. All my numbers came back in a good range. However, when I cum, I barely have any semen still. My gf...
  12. J

    Trying to do a HPTA restart with my doc…29 days in my total T is only 18:(

    My labs are attached. Total T is only 18, and free T is only .3!!! Okay have no libido whatsoever. My dick gets hard, but I have no interest in using it, and I don’t orgasm at all. I was on TRT for nearly 2 years, and tried to come off recently. I stopped my test Cypionate injections 29 days...
  13. A

    Any Benefit of taking Enclomiphene and Tamoxifen together for HPTA restart? I'm attempting an HPTA restart

    I'm attempting an HPTA restart, in the past when I used to cycle, the norm was to take Nolvadex and Clomid together. I've had pretty good success with that but I haven't done that in years. I'm seeing a lot of people suggest and clomiphene only when they decide to attempt a restart. I'm...
  14. H

    Post-TRT restart not going well - how long to wait for fertility to recover before going back on T shots?

    I was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism in my early 30s (I'm 40 now), and went on TRT around the age of 32. Pre-TRT T level was 220 (although I probably crashed it lower than it should have been by cutting all fat out my diet, but even at age 27 I think it was only 300 or so). After some...
  15. R

    Do I just wait out symptoms after a restart?

    Hopefully this is the right place for this, I recently finished a restart protocol from Defy (HCG 300iu x 14 days then clomid 12.5 x 4 weeks) and being my first restart I wanted to know if what I was experiencing was normal. My test protocol was(250mg test/smaller doses daily/week + 300iu HCG +...
  16. R

    Stopping TRT after 3 years straight

    Hi, I am a young guy (only 27 years old) who was on TRT for 3 years. I’ve came a cross a post some time ago about some other dude with similar problem who said that before he’s gonna injects himself for another 50+ years, he’s gonna make sure that there’s no way he feels good being natural. I...
  17. G

    Restart after two years

    I was on trt for a little more than 2 years. Morning t readings were high 300s low 400s. I could not seem to get dialed in with cream or injection. My main complaint was inconsistent libido erections etc. I have been off for a little more than a month. I took clomid 25mg daily for the first 20...
  18. T

    Cold Turkey Restart - Update

    Hello all: Started TRT in December 2019 and stopped on June 5, 2020 to try a cold turkey restart. My last set of labs just before starting in December 2019 and my labs from August 7, 2020, are attached. Overall, I haven't felt awful since stopping, although not like I want to climb a...
  19. K

    HCG restart attempt.

    I've been on HCG from June 15, for an attempt to restart my own testosterone production. My trt doctor prescribed a huge amount of 5000iu 2x week. I did that first, and then spared it out to 2500iu EOD after few weeks, because of the huge 5000iu dose at once seemed to give me elevated heart rate...
  20. C

    Pituitary restart while on TRT: promising initial results with GnRH plus enclomiphene

    TL;DR: Over a period of seven weeks, treatment with GnRH and enclomiphene raised LH and FSH from around 0.1 mIU/mL to about 1.0 mIU/mL, even though TRT and hCG dosing were continued. Subjective results have been encouraging. I had written previously on the subject of GnRH suppression on TRT...
  21. C

    Labs after discontinuing TRT

    Follow up on my discontinuation of TRT. To keep it short - when I was 24, my total T tested at 159 (264-916) on an afternoon blood test (wasn’t knowledgeable on T at the time and the importance of a morning test). I was Put on Test cyp/hcg for 4 years or so with a brief intermission on clomid...
  22. M

    HCG Restart Question

    Hey guys, I've been doing research on here for a while and want to say I'm grateful that this community exists! I have done a ton of research so I'll try to get right to my question that I can't seem to find an answer on. Brief back story: I'm 35 years old with TT readings around 400-450 and...
  23. D

    Fertility Recovery - Wife Unimpressed With Sterility

    Been on TRT for about 2.5 years. 34 year old male. I have 2 kids and want to keep the party going with a 3rd, possibly even 4th. Hopefully some information that comes out of this can help someone else. Of course, I am hoping it will help me too. I've spent about 4 weeks reading info here and I...
  24. C

    Supplement with DHEA and Pregnenolone during HPTA restart

    I am attempting a restart after a long and thoughtful discussion with my doc. I was advised to take pregnenolone and DHEA during the restart but I was under the impression that this would be suppressive to my HPTA? I always assumed supplementing those two were fine if on TRT, but suppressive if...
  25. N

    What Are The Long Term Consequences of No HCG While On TRT ?

    I'm 55 years old and have been on TRT for 4+ years and struggling to get dialed in all this time. I am almost ready to throw in the towel but have been trying a few final approaches before giving up. One thing I'm doing which seems to be working so far is to stop HCG all together. I am...
  26. D

    Can You Restart Solely & only with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)?

    Hi there guys been on TRT for 1 year now exactly & member here a while 2months on Testosterone cream twice daily morning & night, and 10 months of that on Sustanon Injections I am drained quite financially monthly for TRT and i decided to give a full 8 weeks 2 months restart a shot, just simple...
  27. J

    Concerned my E2 is too low. Not on any TRT meds at all.

    I was on TRT for about 18 months. Decided to stop and attempt a restart using toremifene. The restart was a success! I haven’t had any injection or any SERM since October 2018. My current labs are: Total T: 694 E2: 12.8 I’m concerned that my E2 is too low. Is it actually too low? Is this...
  28. B

    Why clomid instead of nolvadex?

    Why is clomid used instead of nolvadex in a restart monotherapy protocol? From what I understand nolvadex should have similar results to clomid but with less side effects. Can you use nolvadex as a monotherapy? What am I missing?
  29. C

    Coming off Clomid after restart

    Doc is taking me off Clomid to see how well I do without any hrt. Here are my lab results on 12.5 mg clomid EOD for 2 months and nothing else except a multivitamin, vit D, etc. Total T: 726 (264-916) Free T: 11 (9.3-26.5) - **low** E2 sensitive: 14.7 (8-35) - **low** SHGB: 89.3 (16.5-55.9) -...
  30. A

    Stopped TRT , on restart protocol , feeling good so far

    Hey all, So as the title says I stopped TRT and now am on a restart protocol. I was on TRT since June of this year but came to the conclusion that it’s not for me, atleast not right now. I stopped because although I was feeling better than pre TRT , I just don’t think I was benefiting enough...
  31. S

    HPTA restart need help

    Hi guys My name is Garðar and I’m from Iceland, i need advice on dr scally’s protocol. The post i was reading your comments has been locked I hope it’s ok that I post here. I’ve twice done steroid cycles and I’m prettt extreme when it comes to evertthing lol(addict but sober now 2 years) My...