
  1. 5

    Finally some success - but how to change regimen to keep it?? Daily injections?

    Hey all - long story short, I've been on TRT about 5 years. At age 38, total T was 230 and my symptoms were zero energy and terrible ED. I've been trying different regimens ever since and making slow progress. Finally got a great doctor and slowly improving. Erections have been about a 6 out of...
  2. V

    How will I know my regiment is enough? Am I just not made for TRT?

    Hello, My history with trt replacement isnt long but I feel its long enough. Started in adolescense but never did it regularly then. My doctor really didnt know what he was doing considering he was injecting me once monthly but it was understandable considering my age att. Now I am trying to...
  3. M

    Maybe the old every two week protocol wasn't so bad

    Anyone have any experience with libido coming back right before your next shot? Thinking back on my experiences with TRT I remember getting put on a protocol that had me coming in every 10-14 days for a shot. Unfortunately, I was pretty accepting of whatever the doctor wanted to do at the time...