
  1. G

    EPO vs high HCT

    Why do some guys report getting out of breath easier when their HCT is high, yet athletes use EPO to increase their RBC’s, which would obv increase their HCT as well. Why are these athletes getting improved cardio, while guys on TRT report decreased cardio when their HCT levels get too high?
  2. 2

    Which test ester is best for not getting high rbc and henorit?

    I would think undecanoat if this is true does anyone have experienve with it?
  3. A

    Anybody use low low low normal dose to successfully address high hemoglobin and hematocrit levels?

    Anybody use low low low normal dose to successfully address high hemoglobin and hematocrit levels? I am currently down to only 75mg a week (100mg strength vial). Even doing daily shots now for months and months and my numbers still keep creeping up until i have to donate blood! At what point...
  4. C

    when to donate blood

    my hematocrit is slightly high at 50.5%. my red blood cell count is high at 6.59 million/uL but my ferritin is low at 11ng/ml and my iron is low at 45 mcg/dL. I'm really concerned about my high RBC and wondering if i should donate with my iron and ferretin so low.
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone replacement therapy and its effect on bone marrow

    Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.118, No.11, p.654-657, 2017 Title: Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and its effect on bone marrow. How serious is it and is there a true polyglobulia? Author: M. Levcikova, J. Breza Jr, J. Luha, J. Dubravicky, E. Kovacova, J. Fillo Abstract: INTRODUCTION...
  6. C

    High RBC, Low MHC - Causes? Concerns?

    I'm 41 and started TRT Novemeber 2016. Currently on Test. Cyp. (IM) and HCG (SQ) every other day and 25 mg DHEA twice daily (From Defy). I have an appointment in July. Just had blood work and have some questions. Here are the highlights. T total = 932 (up from ~200 pre-TRT, feeling...
  7. T

    Polycythemia? Tests Are In Range

    Hi everyone, 1 began trt around September 2016 after a long battle with the symptoms of low T. Tried everything under the sun prior to no avail. My basic question is, can a man have blood ranges all within rage on the CBC any still feel very unwell due to thicker more viscious blood? I...