
  1. H

    Lump and Redness 2 days after SubQ

    Hello - I've been trying SubQ injections in the stomach area and love handles for a couple of weeks and each time I do it, the area feels completely fine for the first 24 hours, but then starting at about 1.5 to 2 days after injection I get an inch wide, narrow lump under the skin and the top of...
  2. C

    TRT side effect help

    I will try to be brief but I have been struggling to gain any benefits from TRT. I reluctantly started test inject mainly do to cost of other treatments six months ago. I have not seen or felt any positive benefits. My sleep has worsened, sex drive has actually gone done, testicular atrophy set...
  3. W

    Skin rash on Test E SubQ

    I’ve recently switched from Test Cyp sub q, to Enanthate sub q, and been getting really bad itches on different parts of body (not around the injection site). Also skins been very red and raised after scratching or even shaving (never was before). Has anyone experienced this before, could it...
  4. M

    OptiMSM Cured my injection site Rash !

    In both my shoulders I had a rash that resembles goose bumps, started with my testosterone injection two years ago, they don’t really bother me so I didn’t care about them. I was reading about skin care and as a body builder I am very familiar with MSM. Seems has a lot of good result in...
  5. J

    HELP - Heat Rashes, ED, and Cracking Joints - A journey Riddle with Side Effects

    To preface this, I am a post-drug patient with lasting sexual side effects (yes, PFS, PSSD, and PAS exist and I will not argue this). I have had enduring sexual dysfunction (dead libido, loss of morning wood, weak erections, etc.) for about 5 years since discontinuing psychiatric drugs. Most...