
  1. W

    Raloxifene for HGH-Induced Gyno

    Hi all, I ran 3IU of HGH every day for 3 months and gave myself minor gyno. I know it was from the HGH because I wasn’t on anything else. There wasn’t much tissue growth, only a little. But my nipples became hard, sensitive, and itchy. They get soft here and there but they’re hard most of the...
  2. C

    My fertility journey

    Hi. Long time since I have posted any.. We are now going for a second one. First one came on first try, so I am hoping for the same this time.. Crossing fingers :) Fist time: 115mg test enanthate Mon/Wed/Fri and 500IU HCG EOD (late December all the way to June (2022) when we started...
  3. C

    Dangers of Raloxifene / gyno

    Hi. I have been on TRT for some years now. Feeling great. My girl is days away from having our first child, looking forward to it. For those wondering, I was on 115 mg testosterone enanthate (split 2* week mondays am and thursdays pm) and 500iu hcg EOD from january to july. We first got...
  4. Pnw0031

    Raising SHBG using raloxifene

    Curious if anyone has raised shbg using a SERM like raloxifene, a new blood test shown my shbg was even lower- 11! It’s likely my shbg was lowered via Proviron given to me by my endo (she is an idiot but that’s besides the point). I do have some raloxifene I’d like to use to raise my shbg to...
  5. B

    Raloxifene for High E2?

    Start out with a brief history. Im 56 type 1 diabetic. Have been for 53 years. Been on TRT for 5 years has improved my overall blood glucose and I have sex drive again. 3 years ago i found a pretty good TRT Doc. I'm in Idaho and choices are limited. Last summer 2021 he handed me off to a...