
  1. S

    Jet Black Stools - Is This A TRT Side Effect?

    I had an incident in which X-rays revealed I had several stools that were backed up. (Which naturally I was totally surprised by this.) I was going #2 fine with no constipation and no diarrhea. I basically felt lower back pain with increased abdominal pressure. My doctor gave me a laxative and...
  2. R

    Low T and depression. could depression tank testosterone?

    for years i was a bit depressed and while time passed i started to feel more depressed until i hit my early 20’s and started to felt low energy, decline in libido, less motivation, more depressed, more brain fog and other depression and low t symptoms. could depression actually made my t go low...
  3. R

    is being underweight actually harming hormones?

    not just testosterone, but lh, shbg igf1, etc. not talking malnourish but something like 6' weighting 152-155. while maintaining a healthy diet.