prp for treatment of ed

  1. S

    Can You Recommend a Good PRP Doctor in NYC?

    Hi guys.. I'm looking for a very good doctor in NYC who does PRP. He's got to be a uro specializing in sexual medicine, have a good modern prp filter machine, have years of experience doing PRP and isn't too expensive. He's got to be in NYC. Please let me know
  2. S

    Anyone Know a Good PRP Doctor in NYC?

    Hi guys.. I'm looking for a very good doctor in NYC who does PRP. He's got to have a good modern filter machine, have years of experience doing PRP and isn't too expensive. He's got to be in NYC. Please let me know
  3. madman

    Availability of PRP for treatment of ED and associated costs and efficacy

    Availability of platelet-rich plasma for treatment of erectile dysfunction and associated costs and efficacy: A review of current publications and Canadian data Deron Britt, BSc; Udi Blankstein, MD; Matthew Lenardis, MD; Alexandra Millman, MD; Ethan Grober, MD; Yonah Krakowsky, MD...