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  1. D

    Slightly higher TRT regime (200mg per week) [+ Proviron] and recent blood results just in!

    Hello all, I just thought I would share my latest blood results with you all. I have been injecting Test E three times per week, instead of just one or two shots per week. Total of 200mg per week (for 10 weeks now). Befor increasing testosterone from 120mg to 200mg, I noticed some slighlty...
  2. J

    Proviron + Clomid/HCG for Low DHT, SHBG & E2

    Hi everyone, I have been following this board for some time now and was looking to get some opinions on my situation. I am 35-year-old male suffering from post-finasteride syndrome for the last 15+ years. My symptoms are mostly sexual: mild ED, decreased EQ and decreased sensitivity. Below are...
  3. S

    Can proviron suppress your normal dht?

    Hi, Apologies if this is a silly question, but I think my theory is sound. I added 50mg of proviron to my current 120mg per week trt (35mg every 2 days) to increase libido, well being etc. I sourced some proviron through underground labs, can't know for sure its legit. However, it did work as...
  4. T

    Proviron vs DHT gel?

    Hi, Firstly to introduce myself I’m 34 years old and have been on TRT now for 1 year at a dosage of 100mg Test E twice weekly. Feeling overall good during this time however my libido and erectile function could be better. Recent bloodwork shows my DHT levels to be slightly below midrange even...
  5. A

    anyone with experience using mesterolone (proviron) to combat SHBG rise from clomid?

    Hi all, Condensed "TL;DR" version of my question: has anyone who has been on clomid to treat secondary hypogonadism tried a low dose of mesterolone (proviron) to reduce the SHBG increase ensuing from using clomid? If so, can you tell me about your experience? Context/long version: I have...
  6. T

    Why does proviron stop working after a week even on trt?

    Hey guys, Recently I added proviron to my protocol and it was the first time ever since starting trt that I felt dialed in (libido wise), except maybe for the honeymoon period but even then not as good. It only lasted like 4-5 days and now I am back to square one even though I keep taking...
  7. C

    Information about Proviron

    Hi all, I have been looking into Proviron as of late as I have been experiencing lower than normal libido. I dabbled with low dose testosterone cycles over the past few years as my test levels indicated low normal. I am currently not taking anything and haven't for a few months now. I really...
  8. W

    Testing out Proviron for Libido

    Quick background info: I’ve been on and off trt. Libido has been crap regardless whether on trt or off. It does get worse on trt though. I’ve tried cream, prop, cyp, hcg changing dosages, frequency..etc you name and I’ve tried it. The only time I’ve ever had a surge in libido was one time when...
  9. J

    Debate - Androgens: Estrogen ratio vs Overall Hormone Levels.

    I searched here, but I couldn't find any in-depth discussions about this specific issue. If anyone has any literature they would mind sharing on this topic, I would be extremely interested to read it. A couple questions: 1) Will you suffer from having too high of hormones, generally...
  10. D

    Adding Proviron to trt, bad if low shbg?

    if shbg is 16, is it bad to use proviron? most people say proviron helps their libido with a small 25mg/day dose but is it bad to use proviron if low shbg? as we all know low shbg makes trt a pain in the ass to dial in. but if it fixes the libido problem then its worth
  11. bochinit

    Does anyone use Proviron with TRT?

    Hi guys, I would like to know if anyone here uses proviron or know if it is suitable for long term use in conjunction with TRT. I appreciate comments and answers about it!
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