
  1. J

    Just starting TRT

    I am a 49 yr old male and have struggled with anxiety disorder for over 20 yrs. About a year and a half ago it became debilitating after having it under control with medication so my doctor started looking for answers. He found it when my lab work came back with a total test at 25! Lab results(...
  2. D

    Injections and Scrotum Cream Protocol

    What's up guys, I am curious to see the number of members that are running this type of protocol and what your results were. This is something I have been considering to increase my DHT levels and libido if it is worth it and cost effective. Any input is appreciated. What strength cream and...
  3. I

    Daily Protocol Bloodwork Results!

    So 7 weeks ago I switched to 14mg daily Test, and no ai. I got my bloodwork back this past Monday here are my results: Total test: 909 E2 29 SHBG 29.2 Free test 2.4 Hemoglobin 16.1 Hematocrit 46 Going daily basically gave me the same results as when I was on 40mg T and .25 ai EOD but I’ve...
  4. T

    The Thread for Dialed-In Dudes

    Are you dialed in? Got the four big areas of TRT on lock? Mood/Energy/Body Composition/Sexual Function If you do, well you’re probably not haunting this forum at midnight on a Saturday night. But if you do, please post your protocol below and a little about yourself (basic lab info, shbg...
  5. C

    Switched to EOD and feeling worst

    Guys, As some of you know, I recently changed protocols from weekly injections to every 3.5 days. That change was a pretty drastic decision on my part but I almost immediately felt the benefits of it and stayed the course for seven weeks before drawing blood the day before next injection...
  6. C

    Will I benefit more if I switch to EOD

    I wanted to start another thread so not to get off topic with another thread I started. About 8 weeks ago I switched to 50mg of test every 3.5 days and feel pretty good on that protocol but feel there is room for Improvement. On this protocol I have not needed any AI’s which is one of the main...