protocol change

  1. F

    Should I lower my dosage of HCG when I lose weight?

    I was dialed in with 100 mg test enanthe a week plus 500 iu hcg a week some months ago. This worked really well for me! It took some time to dial in HCG, starting at 700 iu a week, but got e2 sides (feeling hot, itching and pain in nipples, overly emotional, headache etc). Lowered to 630 iu...
  2. M

    Subq increased aromatiztion

    One would think Subq injections would lead to lower rates of aromatiztion due to less blood supply in fat tissue. However this has absolutely not been the case for me. I was doing IM injections here for months even years. I did try subq injections before but I didn't make the correlation of...
  3. O

    Lowering dose - Bloodwork on 80mg/wk test + 500iu HCG

    Got some bloodwork done for my current trt protocol 80mg of test c or e a week split into two doses 500iu of hcg a week split into two doses Injected twice a week on the same day (mon/thurs). TT: 23.4 nmol/L (675ng/dl) FT: 840 pmol/L (0.84nmol/l, ~24ng/dl) - HIGH E2: 175 pmol/L (canadian...
  4. W

    Using protocol change to spike dopamine?

    I have kept a crude TRT journal over the last several years, adding notes every week or so. On occasion, I will review the journal to spot any patterns or conclusions that I can draw with a reasonably high degree of certainty. This is how I often find myself repeating the same mistakes over...
  5. B

    Going to give nebido another shot! Split protocol this time...

    I´m decided to try Nebido again after playing around with compounded T cream for 4 month and not enjoying it so much for a number of reasons... However this time I want to try and see if I can feel more stable emotionally and energy wise if I split the dosage weekly ( daily protocols are not...
  6. B

    Adding hcg back to my trt protocol

    Hello, I’m currently on test cypionate .25mg twice a week and have recently added hcg 1500iu 3x a week ( hcg was out of stock for a while so I had to run test cypionate alone). I’ve been taking hcg for 3 weeks now but still have significant testicular atrophy.( I was on testosterone alone for...
  7. H

    Opting for E5D or E7D injection schedule

    Anecdotally a lot of guys on here feel best when they first alter their protocol in some way or another, but a few days or a week later they are back to sub-optimal experiences. I've been an EOD injector for years, but I've been thinking about how there are tons of guys going to the commercial...
  8. I

    Switching from sustanon to enanthate

    Hello forum. Im switching from sustanon(122.5mg split in EOD) to enanthate(130mg split in two). I currently feel very bad. On sustanon I felt good but needed to inject in EOD cause the prop causes me spikes and Im sick of so much IM injectinons(sub q doesnt work for me). Also Im 20 percent BF...
  9. A

    Got bloodwork back after 2 months on a new protocol. Advice on where to go from here?

    I was previously administering 50 mg Test cyp every 3.5 days and here were my last blood results: Total T: 1316 ng/dl (264-916) Free T: 28.3 ng/dl (9.3-26.5) Estradiol (sensitive): 40.1 pg/ml (8.0-35.0) SHBG: 45.2 nmol/l (16.5-55.9) IGF1: 252 ng/mL (101-307) I wanted to lower my E2 a few...
  10. M

    New labs. Not sure where to go from here? Need advice.

    Hi everyone, not my first post but this seemed the most appropriate section to post this. I just got my latest lab work back, first full set since august. I’m approaching my 2 year mark on trt and I’m wondering where I go from here? First year I was on test cyp 140mg/week and ranged up to 160...
  11. I

    Changing times of injections

    Hi! I am injecting testosterone at 9 P.M (14mg daily) and HCG 9 P.M (twice a week, 500 iu). Now, my question is, what would happen if i just switched hours. Let's say from 9 P.M to 7 A.M for both testosterone and HCG. Would my hormone be in a flux again, just like when you change dosages? Or...