prostate/bph; rezum; water vapour

  1. madman

    Rezum Water Vapor Therapy For Enlarged Prostate: What You Need to Know

    Are you struggling with symptoms of an enlarged prostate? Dr. Premal Patel from Men's Health Clinic Manitoba explains how Rezum Water Vapor Therapy can help. In this video, Dr. Patel walks you through everything you need to know about this innovative treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia...
  2. madman

    Vapor treatment (Rezum) for an enlarged Prostate, Who it would work for and Side Effects

    Dr. Geo Espinosa sits down with Dr. Eric Giesler, a leading urologist from Austin, Texas, to discuss Rezūm, an innovative steam-based treatment for BPH (enlarged prostate). Learn how Rezūm works, who it’s best suited for, and how it compares to other minimally invasive treatments like UroLift...