prostate and testosterone

  1. R

    Should I continue trt or not?

    I'm 68 and have been on trt for about six months now (100 mgs. injected bi-weekly) and the changes I've experienced have been pretty profound. My libido came back, as well as erections and even semen volume. I'm building muscle at the gym and just generally feel better emotionally. I had a...
  2. R

    Prostate cancer diagnosis

    Subject: Seeking Advice and Support Regarding Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and TRT Alternatives Dear Community Members, It has been quite some time since I last reached out or visited this platform, but I find myself in need of your help and guidance now more than ever. Allow me to share my story...
  3. W

    PSA increases over time on Cypionate

    Is it normal for the PSA level to go up on Cypionate? Before trt back in 2017 my level was 0.8 and it has gradually increased. My latest dose is 50 mg weekly since 5 months ago. 3/8/22= 1.82 8/16/22= 1.32 5/1/23= 1.51 2/6/24= 2.7
  4. X

    Can lowering your TRT dose too quickly cause prostate issues?

    Hi all. Hope everyone's well. Quick question: can lowering your TRT dose too quickly cause prostate issues/prostatitis/CPPS? Long version of the story: I've been on TRT since July 2018, and I've spent the tail end of last year and most of this year reducing my TRT dose as it was causing...
  5. M

    Latest PSA

    Two months ago it was 4.95 ng/mL. Just got my Quest results: 4.41. PSA, as I've previously posted, had been inching up every year. Messaged my urologist. Going to see him in a few weeks. Protocol has been 34 mg, Test E, IM, MWF. Labs in January: TT 1046(IIRC) FT:225. Sex life with my wife...
  6. B

    TRT after prostatectomy

    Is anyone here on TRT after having their prostate removed? Successful? Unsuccessful? I had my prostate removed 2.5 months ago and would love to get back on TRT. My T levels are extremely low and my urologist is not a fan of TRT. I'm 50 years old and was in excellent shape until 6 months ago...
  7. R

    Prostate issues

    Ok guys its been a few years since I've been on trt.. I seemed to have a side effect of my crotch getting irritated and inflamed while on it.. kinda like prostatitis.. long story short I've been on cialis for about 9 yrs and am starting to think its what's causing my tinnitus.. basically I'm...
  8. T

    Testosterone and Prostate Cancer

    Hi guys, Great to join up to to this forum, and I was very pleased to see the founder Nelson is ahead of the curve with T and PCa. My Father has had PCa for over 20 years so it's a subject I am entirely versed on. I'm friends also with Professor Edward Friedman. If any of you guys are not...
  9. Will Brink

    Rationale for Using High Dose Testosterone to Treat Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

    So, we come full circle to T potentially being used to treat some forms of prostate cancers: "Rationale for Using Supraphysiologic Testosterone to Treat Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.” We have known for decades that androgen deprivation offers remarkable efficacy and palliation for men...
  10. Nelson Vergel

    The Prostate and Testosterone: Lecture by Dr Joseph LaBoissiere

    Dr. LaBoissiere: Thank you. I have kind of a booming voice so if it gets too loud, let me know and I will adjust the mic. It's certainly a pleasure to be here. I am fairly new in terms of being a physician. I am a fellow and that's always confusing. When I walk in the room, I...