
  1. J

    TRT prescriptions and BS about the state I live in.

    Am I being fed a line of BS? My telemed trt clinic in Florida uses two compounding pharmacies to ship TC to me. Their pricing is ridiculous at $260 per delivered 10ml vial of TC. I asked them to send the prescription to my local pharmacy. They said that was not possible because TC is a...
  2. J

    Oxandrolone Treatment

    My clinic will write me a prescription for oxandrolone but its too expensive. Its $8/50mg. Does anybody know of a legal, USA based pharmacy that would charge me less than that? That way i could have my prescription sent to that pharmacy instead of paying an arm and leg.
  3. E

    Pretty annoyed - refills

    So my last vial ran out Monday as I expected it to. My CVS app said an automatic refill would happen yesterday. Nope. Requested a renewal of the prescription and got no response. Emailed my doctor and then his assistant replied that he did not renew it since it's just been over a year since my...
  4. RP McMurphy

    Online/telemedicine script for Natesto & Enclomiphene?

    Can anyone direct me to a site that can provide a script for Natesto and a script for enclomiphene? I'm trying to avoid the high consult costs of my current doc, but will go that route if needed,,,,thank you.
  5. S

    Where can I get HCG now?

    I'm at my wits end trying to refill my HCG. I have a prescription from my local GP. He used to send the prescription to Empower but, as we all know, they no longer sell it. Here's what I've tried so far: Local Walmart pharmacy: Insists that they don't carry either generic HCG or Pregnyl even...
  6. J

    Newbie confused by prescription, help please

    My new testosterone cream prescription reads - 200mg/ml. Apply 1ml twice a day. Does this mean I would be taking 400mg per day, total?? Maybe I'm wrong, but that seems like a massive amount for someone just starting out. Am I wrong?
  7. W

    Switching Dr and pharmacy issues

    Thinking of switching my doc to one who is more flexible on dose. Has anyone had issues at the pharmacy when coming in with a new script from a new doc for TC shortly after filling the last script from the previous doc? I know most states have an electronic system to track controlled...
  8. J

    Shortage of Test C in South Africa

    The press is reporting that patients are having a difficult time getting testosterone cypionate in South Africa: There is a nationwide stockout in SA of Depo-testosterone. Depo-testosterone is the brand name for testosterone cypionate injections manufactured by pharmaceutical company, Pfizer...