
  1. N

    Is DHEA and Pregnenolone needed with TRT?

    Is it needed, or just a waste of time and money?
  2. N

    TRT for 4 months, need advice

    50mg test cyp (1" into delt) and 600iu HCG 2x per week 1/2" sub q). 25mg dhea and 25mg pregnenolone every morning (pill). Total T 731, estradiol 53. This is 3.5 days after last injection. Feeling ok but very little libido and weak erections. Have a couple options. Option 1. Lower HCG to 250iu...
  3. P

    Pregnenolone + Borax - The combination of the gods

    Ive done 25mg dhea + 25 mg preg, and it worked some. I felt i really needed 50mg preg to get a good effect, but my skin gets super dry. its really strange as its suppose to help skin. But yesterday i did 100mg.. and wow, great energy and clarity. felt great all day and woke up the next day...
  4. H

    Pregnenolone levels staying low despite supplementation -blood work incuded; Please Help

    Hello everyone- according to recent blood work I have low pregnenolone levels despite taking the expensive brand of PURE Encapsulations off of amazon ($0.30+/per dose). After taking 60mg for about a month I went from undetectable to still low levels of pregnenolone . I also had my DHEA levels...
  5. JayD

    Guidance with Progesterone(Dutchtest results)

    What are most guys using to raise progesterone these days. Or is it not really worth worrying about. Below is my recent Dutch test results. I tried a Nootropics Depot 5mg sublingual tab for the last week but can barely tolerate even 2.5mg per day. Makes me feel on edge and seems to make me talk...
  6. Pnw0031

    Pregnenolone: oral v. Cream v. Hcg injections

    I want to love pregnenolone but it makes me feel just… weird. Like I’m tweaking almost, get super stiff and get oddly socially awkward also anxious. Anyone know why this is? I’m assuming it’s due to a choline reaction as I seem to be sensitive to other pro-cholinergic supplements. Estrogen was...
  7. A

    Help! Insomnia, Irritability, and Libido Issues on TRT

    Here's my most recent bloodwork with an SHBG of 38 I was on 250 mg test C split into daily injections as well as 150 IU HCG ED. I was also taking 100 mg pregnenolone before bed because my pre-TRT progesterone was 0.1 I have been waking up too early (after 6 hours in bed) and unable to go back...
  8. A

    Blood levels of pregnenolone after a year on 400mg a day

    It’s been almost a year since I started taking 400mg of pregnenolone a day in the morning on an empty stomach. I’ve tried different brands but settled on the Double Wood brand from Amazon for the price and effectiveness. Had a brief time where I tried stopping here and there and didn’t feel as...
  9. FunkOdyssey

    TRT doesn't cause deficiency of Preg/DHEA/Prog and HCG doesn't fix it

    That is the bold claim made by this user on Reddit: What do you guys think? Is this why most men on TRT are doing well without supplementing the upstream hormones?
  10. Gianluca

    Pregnenolone IR vs SR

    Curios to know if anyone has noticed some differences between the two. My Progesterone increases more with IR compared with SR, .4/.5 compared to .7/.8.
  11. RP McMurphy

    First Lab Post! “Should I stay or should I go?”...would appreciate some guidance. Thank you!

    I’m a 45 yo male, 150 lbs. Prior to starting any testosterone therapy my labs in January 2018 were in range (Total T 601 280-1100ng/dl, Free T 10.43 1.9-27ng/dl), but I wanted to see if increasing testosterone levels would help to improve fatigue. I always had a high sex drive, with decent...
  12. Nelson Vergel

    Pregnenolone Decreases Veterans' Chronic Back Pain More than Placebo

    Use of pregnenolone resulted in a significant reduction in pain intensity rating in veterans with chronic low back pain after 4 weeks of treatment, findings of a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial showed. Jennifer Naylor, PhD, and a team of North Carolina-based...
  13. Gianluca

    Pregnenolone Cream scrotum feedback

    I would like to hear any experiences, in applying Pregnenolone cream on the scrotum vs other body parts, did the scrotum application improve your anxiety better?calmness? thanks
  14. S

    Help determining proper pregnenolone dosage and frequency

    Hi all, I've been experimenting with pregnenolone for over a year now, with varied success. I seem to get benefits at 100mg (such as higher libido, more pronounced nighttime erections and better sleep); however, I don't get these results consistently. If I try to continue 100mg daily, the...
  15. F

    Raising Pregnenolone, Progesterone and DHEA with HCG

    1. Anyone who has had low Pregnenolone and/or DHEA how much did adding HCG raise your levels? Both my pregnenolone and DHEA levels are below the minimum range. And I felt like shit on testosterone only. I have recently added HCG to my protocol and want to know if anyone has seen their levels...
  16. Z

    Pregnenolone makes high dose Testosterone tolerable

    Skip to 2:00 Dave Lee explains that a Pregnenolone deficiency doesn't allow for higher testosterone dosages to be tolerated. Supplementing Pregnenolone is an easy fix instead of lowering your testosterone levels.
  17. D

    Serious Low E2 Symptoms. Could Progesterone be the cause? How to lower it?

    Hello, has anyone ever used Pregnenolone with a too high dose and had side effects which could stem from high progesterone? If yes, and you stopped using it, how long till you felt better? Is there a way to lower Progesterone,. as I believe it either lowers my e2 or blocks it from binding to...
  18. Nelson Vergel

    Pregnenolone and Progesterone for Men: Pharmacokinetics and Studies

    "Pregnenolone can be administered orally, subcutaneously, intravenously, intranasally, and topically/transdermally. Oral pregnenolone has high metabolism and low bioavailability.28 It is lipophilic and readily crosses the blood brain barrier. There is very limited data on the pharmacokinetics...
  19. Hormetheus

    Adrenal fatigue: The best methods to increase cortisol naturally

    Hey, I am a final year medical student. For years I had life-impairing fatigue due to low-cortisol issues. After doing a LOT of research, I collected a list of methods we can try to raise our cortisol naturally and therefore to help get rid of HPA-dysfunction. I share this here because I am...
  20. Gianluca

    Pregnenolone Cream Vs Capsule on downstream metabolites?

    is there any difference for Pregnenolone bypassing the liver on downstream metabolites? is there less conversion to Progesterone? I heard once Dr John Crisler, mentioning how oral pregnenolone may be better for people with anxiety, because it gets converted more into allopregnenolone with the...
  21. W

    Pregnenolone prevents testicular atrophy In that thread they say a ratio of 10:1 pregnenolone to testosterone daily (i.e. 100mg preg for 10mg testosterone) keeps your nuts from shrinking. Is this BS? First I've heard of that.
  22. T

    Pregnenolone & DHEA, any of you guys taking them and seeing benefits?

    I have a bottle of 100mg pregnenolone tablets at home and took the first one this morning. Other than that I've no experience with it myself.
  23. T

    HCG Pros and Cons while on TRT

    I have been on TRT for 6 weeks now... feeling pretty good... my Free T went from 5.2 to 27... Doc thinks that is a little high, so recommended reducing weekly dose... but pretty happy and hoping to feel even better after a few more weeks... I read many things about HCG... good and bad... I'd...
  24. G

    Pregnenolone, missing piece?

    Just wondering if pregnenolone has been the missing puzzle piece in anyone’s protocol, and if things finally clicked when they added it. Thanks.
  25. T

    Pregnenolone and boron as alternatives to TRT?

    I've been having some problems with side effects after 4 weeks of 100mg/wk Test-Cyp... and no noticeable benefits. I am considering stopping, and trying Pregnenolone 5mg/day and boron 10mg/day after allowing time for the T to clear out of my system... maybe add 20mg zinc picolonate... any...
  26. S

    New User, Looking for advice, Questions about HCG, Thyroid, DHEA, etc.

    At age 33, After years of depression, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain, sleep problems, ed, etc. I convinced my doctor to test my hormones. I was specifically interested in my Cortisol levels due to prolonged profound amounts of physical anxiety. The results of what he tested were; Total...
  27. C

    Pregnenolone kills libido

    Hello, anyone else here whos libido goes down with pregnenolone? I use 50mg day and its totally kills my libido and erection, it took a while to figure it out. Same thing happened with even smallest dosage 500iu/wk hcg in a past. Probably im sensitive to increased progesterone from pregnenolone...
  28. P

    HPTA Recovery Log to Re Start Testosterone Production

    Hello everyone. Following my failed attempt at restarting my natural testosterone production, I'm back on HRT in the form of 500iu HCG 3x p/w. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current issues: Always cold, especially extremities Absent Libido...
  29. P

    Progesterone Levels on TRT

    I’ve seen various accounts of men on TRT with deficient levels of progesterone -- many of whom had normal levels prior to treatment. LH is important for leydig cholesterol -> pregnenolone conversion, and also for adrenal steroidogenesis. HPTA suppression and the subsequent absence of LH is...
  30. X

    Starting Over on TRT, A Few Questions about Free T, DHT, DHEA...

    Hi everyone, I would appreciate some input on a few questions: 1) The Tru T Calculator is something new to me that I've only seen since joining this site. What is the range used for free t here? I was on a protocol where I was taking 40mg every third day. This put my total T at 680. My...
  31. S

    Still trying to get pregnenolone to work - advice welcome

    I tried pregnenolone about a month ago based solely on the many positive reviews from others and across the internet. I was absolutely stunned by it, for about a week, after which I started getting really easily angered, and unable to sleep. I stopped for a few days, tried again at a lower dose...