
  1. DixieWrecked

    Pregnenolone Joint Pain

    I was thinking about the suppression of the hormones upstream from testosterone due to TRT. I noticed my body is a little achy on trt and have wondered if the suppression of pregnenolone and it's downstream hormones may be causing this. Anyone else experience these side effects? Delt with them...
  2. A

    Pregnenolone CRUSHED my libido

    Hello all, newbie here on a protocol from DEFY of 150 mg test cyp/week and 25mg DHEA and 25mg Pregnenolone due to low DHEA-s levels. I realize a lot of my issues may be beginners anxiety. I'm currently on day five. Anywho, to make a long story short, I was going to hold off on all supplements...
  3. A

    Hands Swelling At Night

    For the past week or so I've been experiencing some notable swelling in my fingers when I lay down to sleep at night. It gets bad enough to where I wake up at night because my right hand is totally numb and then I have to awkwardly shift sleeping position. My protocol is currently 20 mg test C...
  4. Charliebizz

    Using micro dose ssri to boost allopregnenolone

    I’ve read a few interesting things on low dose ssri boosting allopregnenolone. And not acting as an ssri at all. I’m the past I actually did better on trt with low dose lexapro. Now I’m going to give low dose Prozac a shot. Here is an article that put me on to it...
  5. P

    Optimal pregnenolone numbers

    I've been on TRT for years and the last 2 years miserable, numbers would all come back optimal but always felt bad. I got off T injections and my numbers fell to 300 tt. Now I'm on a low dose cream 50mg and I fluctuate between 680 and 800,but still don't feel like I use to. All other numbers...
  6. G

    Does Pregnenolone and/or DHEA raise testosterone or estrogen levels?

    I’m curious as I have just begun taking 25mgs Pregnenolone from Empower pharmacy daily. I might be crazy but when I started DHEA I think my testosterone levels went up slightly. I’m wondering if I’ll have to lower my daily testosterone injection dose. Any thoughts or personal experience would be...
  7. C

    DHEA and Pregnenolone- One of the best videos ive seen

    Just gonna leave this here . Answered so many questions that I’ve had as a man on HRT and how , if all, it affected pregnenolone and DHEA levels .
  8. C

    Supplement with DHEA and Pregnenolone during HPTA restart

    I am attempting a restart after a long and thoughtful discussion with my doc. I was advised to take pregnenolone and DHEA during the restart but I was under the impression that this would be suppressive to my HPTA? I always assumed supplementing those two were fine if on TRT, but suppressive if...
  9. Gianluca

    Do we really need LH, or HCG, to convert Pregnenolone to downstream Hormones?

    @Nelson Vergel, I'm going to tag you again on this. I just watched the video on the link below and enjoyed it. Looking really forward for the Thyroid one. In the video you mentioned again LH is needed to convert Pregnenolone to downstream hormones. We had a quick chat on another post about...
  10. V

    Should I bother with figuring out the DHEA Pregnenolone Cortisol puzzle with Test should I choose to use a PED?

    Hello everyone. Recently, I have been trying to figure out why despite taking 200 mg/ml test in 1 ML dosages split twice a week, I still feel like shit a lot of times. On top of regular psychological issues, Im trying to figure out what I could be doing to get to the fabled golden zone that...
  11. B

    Proven Pregnenolone supplement to raise out of range level?

    My lab just came back with a mark 0f 9(22-237) for pregnenolone. I would like to be prepared to question my doctor about appropriate action. I supplement Dhea of 35mg a day, and my dhea just came back at 204(70-495). I have read you should not take the both of them, Empower info. I have no idea...