
  1. B

    How to dissolve Enclomiphene powder into liquid form for oral consumption.

    Hi all, I recently purchased 1000mg of raw powder enclomiphene as it was significantly cheaper than the liquid form. I'm having trouble finding anything online about a process for dissolving the powder in a solution for consumption. I saw a thread on reddit where someone used Everclear...
  2. D

    Natural test boosters?

    Hey guys, My first post here! I wanted to check in to see what the current state of the art is regarding test boosting through diet or supplements...I recently had a test test (lol) and my levels were in the lower 200s, I am 39, white, decent job, married, homeowner etc (I mention these as I...
  3. G

    Very little powder in HCG (Pregnyl) bottle

    For everyone that has used or uses Pregnyl, is it normal for there too be so little powder inside? Idk if you can see it through these pics, but there’s barely any powder in the bottle. And this is a 10,000iu vial. I feel like years ago when I used Pregnyl there used to be much mrle powder in...