
  1. madman


    https://ec.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/ec/aop/ec-24-0283/ec-24-0283.xml ABSTRACT Erythrocytosis, or elevated hematocrit, is a common side effect of testosterone therapy (TTh) in male hypogonadism. Testosterone stimulates erythropoiesis through an initial rise in erythropoietin (EPO)...
  2. M

    Nandrolone - What to expect - Hb/HCT, HDL, Muscle?

    Hi, looking for some "theory" here based on your experience. I'm trying to understand the effects of replacing some T in my protocol with Nandrolone vs. adding Nandrolone on top of the existing Testosterone dose. Here goes.. 1. Nandrolone drives polycythemia more than Testosterone. a. If I am...
  3. D

    Link between Polycythemia and delayed orgasm?

    I continue my search for reasons for delayed orgasms since starting TRT about 3 years ago. I also have to use either Levitra or Trimix whenever I have sex. I'm 54 and didn't have these issues before TRT. I'm wondering if any of you high Hematocrit people have noticed a link between that and...
  4. M

    Success stories for managing TRT induced increase in hematocrit?

    I have been using testosterone cyp injections for the last 6 years to treat low T levels. I inject 0.66 ml once per week. I recently had to get a new Dr. because my regular GP retired. I live on the Big Island, where it is very hard to find good doctors. Long story short, my new Doc ordered lots...
  5. P

    No Phlebotomy Today!!!

    I have been on TRT now starting year 3. Overall the treatment has been a success, with one caveat many of us suffer with.....polycythemia. I have been on the rollercoaster of phlebotomies every 2-3 months since my start. I have tried dosage reductions to the point I started daily injections...
  6. S

    Optimal TRT Strategy for low SHBG guys; SSRI effects; HCG vs. T injections effect on polycythemia

    Hi everyone, I've been reading here for a little over a year and I've found this site most educational. Thank you to Nelson for all the informative material on this website (I also enjoyed your book which I bought on Amazon) and for everyone else here who contributes information and shares...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone replacement therapy and its effect on bone marrow

    Bratislava Medical Journal Vol.118, No.11, p.654-657, 2017 Title: Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and its effect on bone marrow. How serious is it and is there a true polyglobulia? Author: M. Levcikova, J. Breza Jr, J. Luha, J. Dubravicky, E. Kovacova, J. Fillo Abstract: INTRODUCTION...
  8. Nelson Vergel

    Can Creatine Supplementation Increase Hematocrit ?

    My hematocrit has been stable for many years at around 50. I started using creatine 5 grams per 2 months ago. I started having headaches, itchiness and fatigue two weeks ago. I decided to check my hematocrit and it had gone up to 55. Got a therapeutic phlebotomy today. My hypothesis is...
  9. R

    I Have Polycythemia But Doctor Does Not Want to Order Phlebotomy

    Hi, I've been on TRT for about 6 years. Recently, my Doctor told me I have polycythemia. He sent me to a hematologist with my blood test results. I was hoping he was going to prescribe therapeutic phlebotomy, but instead, he said we'll just keep and eye on it. I was a little bit angry and...
  10. T

    Polycythemia? Tests Are In Range

    Hi everyone, 1 began trt around September 2016 after a long battle with the symptoms of low T. Tried everything under the sun prior to no avail. My basic question is, can a man have blood ranges all within rage on the CBC any still feel very unwell due to thicker more viscious blood? I...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    Clomid causes less polycythemia than TRT

  12. B

    Glad to be here!

    Hi, I'm married to the BugMan and will be posting more frequently than he. (got more time, I like the computer more than he does, and have more medical experience!). We both have been on and off the Testosterone replacement bandwagon. He's read here quite a bit in the past, so we thought it...
  13. Les

    Lab error possible?? Hematocrit very high

    Very concerned. My hematocrit went from 51 to 57 in 4 months. My doctor thinks it's a lab error and has redrawn a CBC. He says an increase in 4 months that drastic just doesn't happen so quickly in his experience. I should know pretty quickly whether or not I need to visit the Red Cross to...
  14. T

    Problem with polycythemia

    Hi: I'm 50 years old and I'm on TRT. 250 mg cypionate each 15 days since 4 years ago. The problem is my hematocrite is high (between 52 and 55). I feel fine with no problems, no headache, a lot of energy, and sex drive. I understand that such a high hematocrite is on risk of cardiovascular...
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Latest Testosterone News from The American Urologic Association 2014 Conference

    • A study including 109 men highlighted intra-individual variation in serum testosterone levels; the testosterone level on repeat exam differed by >100 ng/dL in >20% of patients. • Men seen in a cardiology clinic were sixfold more likely to have low testosterone compared to the general...
  16. Nelson Vergel

    Interview with Dr. Michael Scally about Testosterone and Its Side Effects- Part 1

    NELSON VERGEL (NV): I'm very happy to have Dr. Michael Scally join us for this interview. He's a well-known expert on men's health in general, and specifically on hormone therapy and issues surrounding testosterone replacement. Dr. Scally, why don't you tell us a little bit about your...
  17. Excel Male

    How to Lower High Hematocrit Caused by Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    High Hematocrit Caused by Testosterone Replacement Therapy By Nelson Vergel, B.S.Ch.E., M.B.A. High hematocrit occurs when there is an excessive production of red blood cells. High hematocrit can cause the blood to become very viscous or "sticky," making it harder for the heart to pump. High...