
  1. T

    marc cuban pharmacy - prices cheaper than insurance copays

    not a fan of this guy, but: telmisartan: 90 80mg pills - 13.30USD - my insurance, high end BS/BC plan, 30usd bystolic - 90 5mg pills - 11.30 - my insurance no coverage, CVS is something like 500usd (with goodrx 200) cialis - 90 10mg pills - 13.10usd - my insurance, no coverage, amazon pharmacy -...
  2. K

    Where to get HCG nowadays?

    Hello, all Ran out of luck and can't find HCG in my town (Texas) anymore. Nobody carries it! Still in back order nationwide, I've been told. Where can I order HCG from online? Is there a reputable pharmacy out there for HCG? Thanks
  3. M

    Overseas pharmacies

    Not sure if this is the right forum. I did try to search. Can anyone recommend an overseas pharmacy for Noncontrolled meds other than ReliablepharmacyRX? Thank you
  4. W

    Switching Dr and pharmacy issues

    Thinking of switching my doc to one who is more flexible on dose. Has anyone had issues at the pharmacy when coming in with a new script from a new doc for TC shortly after filling the last script from the previous doc? I know most states have an electronic system to track controlled...
  5. keithc2485

    Brands of Testosterone cyp.. Wilshire pharma? ever use it ?

    hey guys.. so I seem to have noticed a shortage of Testosterone Cyp. i even googled it and it confirmed a shortage and big back order in major brands.. I am allergic to Perrigo (the one everyone freakin has) and have been doing awesome with WestWard (HIKMA) pharma ..... CVS has had it for the...
  6. Z

    Testosterone Vial Expiration

    So I was on the phone today with cvs about my testosterone prescription. And they said they can’t fill a 10ml vile for a 90 day supply because after 28 days it goes bad. So they have to use 1 ML vials. I have never heard of test going bad after 28 days. The old pharmacy I use to get it from was...
  7. F

    Is Testesterone Cypionate available from big pharms

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows if there is any Testosterone Cypionate available from big pharmaceuticals companies instead of it comming from Compounding pharmacies(I don't trust compunding)? and specifically made with grape seed oil. If so what companies.? am also assuming that Arimidex...
  8. F

    APS vs EMPOWER Pharmacy

    I started TRT 6weeks ago with lowtestosterone .com I noticed that the first shipment of meds were sent from Empower. then out of nowhere they changed my pharmacy to APS. I had issues with them(APS) on having them filling my Anastrazole prescription that my doctor recently prescribed as my E2...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    New legislation may affect compounding pharmacies and prices

    This is not a review but pertinent to this section on compounding pharmacies. A bipartisan committee of lawmakers from the Senate and the House reached a compromise on Wednesday on legislation that would give the Food and Drug Administration greater control over compounding pharmacies...