peri/post menopause; hrt; estrogen/testosterone

  1. madman

    Looking Good & Feeling Good in Your 40's and Beyond

    Dr. James Simon from INTIM Medicine Specialists and Adrien Cotton Wellness Expert sit down and have a frank conversation about perimenopause and menopause including myths and changes from a medical perspective as well as Adrien's expertise on wellness and aging.
  2. madman

    loneliness, libido, weight gain & anxiety in perimenopause & menopause

    1:15:54-1:26:16 *vaginal estrogen/testosterone Dr. Sarah Callaghan is a GP specializing in women's health. She is a wonderful doctor and a champion for women. Perimenopause and menopause is quite the sexy topic at the moment but we answer the questions you really want answered...Can women...
  3. madman

    The Symptoms of Menopause and Perimenopause That Nobody Warns You About

  4. madman

    Navigating Menopause: Expert Insights and Solutions

    In Episode #245, I'm joined by endocrinologist and clinical researcher Professor Susan Davis, AO. In this detailed exchange – taking place over more than two hours – Professor Davis shares the best practice guidelines for managing menopause. You will learn from a world-leading expert about sex...