
  1. B

    Once weekly peak through vs Twice weekly

    Hello guys. I am so happy discovering this forum. I am about to start TRT. I have a steroids use background where I cycled and cruised. My cruise dose was always 120 mg once weekly. This dose put my peak to 870 Ng/dl and my through to 550 Ng/dl. Free testosterone to 31 PG/ml peak(higher than...
  2. D

    Considering "micro dosing" AI?

    Weekly shot test cyp(I know), was recommended 48hrs post inject to take.5mg anastrazole. I found I felt much better taking anastrazole about the same time as shot. As it is preventative only, this made sense as the T spiked the ai would alongside. This does leave E perhaps unattended after a...
  3. T

    Hourly Intraday testosterone profiles in young eugonadal (healthy functional) men (1973-1983) Enjoy. There's no way I am copying these graphs again so sorry you have to view this on another site. I reached way back for you guys. 1970s-1980s back when we had "REAL" men...
  4. keithc2485

    Switching trt from 2x a week to 1

    Hey guys . Been on trt since 2016. So for the past year n half Ive been doing my injection of testosterone cyp. 2x a week originally was 50mg wed and sat .... Last May I started hcg to help my testicles get back to normal from being in atrophy . After starting ,my T levels went up so I moved...
  5. O

    Why do we aim for such high troughs?

    My understanding of testosterone levels from cypionate has me wondering, why do we aim for such high troughs? If we are injecting every 3.5 days and testing trough at 700, our peaks are likely 1000+ which is borderline supraphysiological. Wouldn't aiming for 1000 or more on a trough be...
  6. D

    What is my Peak TT based on known trough level?

    I inject Test Cyp E3.5D subq, on Mon eve and Fri am. I typically do my blood work on Mon am which is 12 hr from the true trough. My recent blood work had 747 TT. So is there a "best guess" as to what my peak TT would be based on knowing TT 12 hrs from the trough? And how much would TT...
  7. A

    How much does Estradiol generally vary between injections?

    If one was on a standard protocol of twice weekly injections, with a normal mid-range SHBG levels, how much could you expect Estradiol to vary between peak and trough levels? For example if someone had an E2 sensitive reading of something like 20 at their trough. Thanks.
  8. J

    Question for those injecting daily...

    Question for those using daily injections of testosterone cypionate: I know there’s going to be very little variation in blood levels on a daily injection protocol. I’m curious though about the peak on a daily protocol. Would it be 12 hours post injection? If so, I could possibly see a small...
  9. G

    Peaks and troughs

    I am new to trt. Started 8weeks ago, but now I had to change dr. In doing so I went and had my blood work done for the new dr. I am currently taking IM 100mg e3.5d. I made the mistake of going to lab just 2 days after last injection. I now no better, but my peak TT was 1920 and free was 350...
  10. madman

    Variance in Peak and Trough T Levels in Men Using Intramuscular T Injections

    MP85-14 VARIANCE IN PEAK AND TROUGH TESTOSTERONE LEVELS IN MEN USING INTRAMUSCULAR TESTOSTERONE Bruno Nascimento*, Helen L Bernie, Elizabeth Schofield, John P. Mulhall, New York, NY INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES In men using intramuscular testosterone (IM T), clinical experience shows us that...