
  1. B

    Optimum Testosterone Levels...... The truth...

    I was diagnosed with low T at 168.2 TT and 2.9 FT. I've been on my TRT journey for 3 months. I feel great at 262 TT and 10.3 FT. But due to ongoing side effects I will be stopping my current protocol in the effort of trying to maximize my natural levels after making a handful of changes with...
  2. A

    Oxandrolone (Anavar) with TRT

    Anyone has experience taking Anavar with TRT? I am a 41 year old male started TRT 5 weeks ago. A TRT dose of 125 mg / week of Test Cyp. , injecting once per week, without the need of any AI. The blood results show that my test levels are still mediocre at 11.8 nmol/ L (Range: 8.64 -29) . I'm...